University of South Carolina Leaf 44
This leaf is from a German Bible made in the later fifteenth century; as Ege notes, it was made about 60 years after the invention of printing by movable type. The pages measure 41 x 28 cm, and the vellum is slightly yellowed and thick, bending easily. There is only vertical evidence of lining, which is done in red; the bulk of the text is in dark brown with red decoration. A singular feature is the significant repair to the upper inside corner of each leaf--i.e., toward the binding, not on the outer edge. See Denison University Leaf 44 for more information about this manuscript.
Text: 2 Chronicles 4:11-5:11 (recto) and 5:12-6:16 (verso).

University of South Carolina Leaf 44 Recto

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-plévit omne opus regis in domo Dei: hoc est, colúmnas duas, et epistýlia, et cápita, et quasi quædam retiácula, quæ cápita tégerent super epistýlia. Malogranáta quoque quadringénta, et retiácula duo ita ut bini órdines malogranatórum síngulis retiáculis jungeréntur, quæ protégerent epistýlia, et cápita columnárum. Bases étiam fecit, et conchas, quas superpósuit básibus: mare unum, boves quoque duódecim sub mari, et lebétes, et créagras, et phíalas. Ómnia vasa fecit Salomóni Hiram pater ejus in domo Dómini ex ære mundíssimo. In regióne Jordánis, fudit ea rex in argillósa terra inter Sochot et Saredátha. Erat autem multitúdo vasórum innumerábilis, ita ut ignorarétur pondus æris. Fecítque Sálomon ómnia vasa domus Dei, et altáre áureum, et mensas, et super eas panes propositiónis: candelábra quoque cum lucérnis suis ut lucérent ante oráculum juxta ritum ex auro puríssimo: et floréntia quædam, et lucérnas, et fórcipes áureos: ómnia de auro mundíssimo facta sunt. Thymiatéria quoque, et thuríbula, et phíalas, et mortaríola ex auro puríssimo. Et óstia cælávit templi interióris, id est, in Sancta sanctórum: et óstia templi forínsecus áurea. Sicque complétum est omne opus quod fecit Sálomon in domo Dómini.
[2 lines untranscribed.]
Íntulit ígitur Sálomon ómnia quæ vóverat David pater suus: argéntum, et aurum, et
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univérsa vasa pósuit in thesáuris domus Dei. Post quæ congregávit majóres natu Israël, et cunctos príncipes tríbuum, et cápita familiárum de fíliis Israël in Jerúsalem, ut addúcerent arcam fóederis Dómini de civitáte David, quæ est Sion. Venérunt ítaque ad regem omnes viri Israël in die solémni mensis séptimi. Cumque veníssent cuncti seniórum Israël, portavérunt Levítæ arcam, et intulérunt eam, et omnem paratúram tabernáculi. Porro vasa sanctuárii, quæ erant in tabernáculo, portavérunt sacerdótes cum Levítis. Rex autem Sálomon, et univérsus cœtus Israël, et omnes qui fuérunt congregáti ante arcam, immolábant aríetes et boves absque ullo número: tanta enim erat multitúdo victimárum. Et intulérunt sacerdótes arcam fóederis Dómini in locum suum, id est, ad oráculum templi, in Sancta sanctórum subter alas chérubim: ita ut chérubim expánderent alas suas super locum in quo pósita erat arca, et ipsam arcam tégerent cum véctibus suis. Véctium autem quibus portabátur arca, quia páululum longióres erant, cápita parébant ante oráculum: si vero quis páululum fuísset extrínsecus, eos vidére non póterat. Fuit ítaque arca ibi usque in præséntem diem. Nihílque erat áliud in arca, nisi duæ tábulæ quas posúerat Móyses in Horeb, quando legem dedit Dóminus fíliis Israël egrediéntibus ex Ægýpto. Egréssis autem sacerdótibus de sanctuário (ómnes enim sacerdótes qui ibi potúerant inveníri, sanctificáti sunt: nec adhuc in illo témpore vices et ministeriórum ordo

[2 Chronicles 4:11-5:11, here called Paralipomenon]
...all the king's work in the house of God: 12 That is to say, the two pillars, and the pommels, and the chapiters, and the network, to cover the chapiters over the pommels. 13 And four hundred pomegranates, and two wreaths of network, so that two rows of pomegranates were joined to each wreath, to cover the pommels, and the chapiters of the pillars. 14 He made also bases, and lavers, which he set upon the bases: 15 One sea, and twelve oxen under the sea; 16 And the caldrons, and fleshhooks, and bowls. All the vessels did Hiram his father make for Solomon in the house of the Lord of the finest brass. 17 In the country near the Jordan did the king cast them, in a clay ground between Sochot and Saredatha. 18 And the multitude of vessels was innumerable, so that the weight of the brass was not known. 19 And Solomon made all the vessels for the house of God, and the golden altar, and the tables, upon which were the leaves of proposition, 20 The candlesticks also of most pure gold with their lamps to give light before the oracle, according to the manner. 21 And certain flowers, and lamps, and golden tongs: all were made of the finest gold. 22 The vessels also for the perfumes, and the censers, and the bowls, and the mortars, of pure gold. And he graved the doors of the inner temple, that is, for the holy of holies: and the doors of the temple without were of gold. And thus all the work was finished which Solomon made in the house of the Lord.
[2 lines untranscribed.]
1 Then Solomon brought in all the things that David his father had vowed, the silver, and the gold, and all the vessels he put among the treasures of the house of God. 2 And after this he gathered together the ancients of Israel, and all the princes of the tribes, and the heads of the families, of the children of Israel to Jerusalem, to bring the ark of the covenant of the Lord out of the city of David, which is Sion. 3 And all the men of Israel came to the king in the solemn day of the seventh month. 4 And when all the ancients of Israel were come, the Levites took up the ark, 5 And brought it in, together with all the furniture of the tabernacle. And the priests with the Levites carried the vessels of the sanctuary, which were in the tabernacle. 6 And king Solomon and all the assembly of Israel, and all that were gathered together before the ark, sacrificed rams, and oxen without number: so great was the multitude of the victims. 7 And the priests brought in the ark of the covenant of the Lord into its place, that is, to the oracle of the temple, into the holy of holies under the wings of the cherubims: 8 So that the cherubims spread their wings over the place, in which the ark was set, and covered the ark itself and its staves. 9 Now the ends of the staves wherewith the ark was carried, because they were some thing longer, were seen before the oracle: but if a man were a little outward, he could not see them. So the ark has been there unto this day. 10 And there was nothing else in the ark but the two tables which Moses put there at Horeb when the Lord gave the law to the children of Israel, at their coming out of Egypt. 11 Now when the priests were come out of the sanctuary, (for all the priests that could be found there, were sanctified: and as yet at that time the courses and orders of the ministries...

University of South Carolina Leaf 44 Verso

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inter eos divísus erat), tam Levítæ quam cantóres, id est, et qui sub Asaph erant, et qui sub Eman, et qui sub Ídithun, fílii et fratres eórum vestíti býssinis, cýmbalis, et psaltériis, et cítharis concrepábant, stantes ad orientálem plagam altáris: et cum eis sacerdótes centum vigínti canéntes tubis. Ígitur cunctis páriter, et tubis, et voce, et cýmbalis, et órganis, et divérsi géneris musicórum concinéntibus, et vocem in sublíme tolléntibus, longe sónitus audiebátur, ita ut cum Dóminum laudáre cœpíssent et dícere: Confitémini Dómino quóniam bonus, quóniam in ætérnum misericórdia ejus: implerétur domus Dei nube, nec possent sacerdótes stare et ministráre propter calíginem. Compléverat enim glória Dómini domum Dei.
[2 lines untranscribed.]
Tunc Sálomon ait: Dóminus pollícitus est ut habitáret in calígine: ego autem ædificávi domum nómini ejus, ut habitáret ibi in perpétuum. Et convértit rex fáciem suam, et benedíxit univérsæ multitúdini Israël (nam omnis turba stabat inténta), et ait: Benedíctus Dóminus Deus Israël, qui quod locútus est David patri meo, ópere complévit, dicens: A die qua edúxi pópulum meum de terra Ægýpti, non elégi civitátem de cunctis tríbubus Israël ut ædificarétur in ea domus nómini meo, neque elégi quemquam álium virum ut esset dux in pópulo Israël: sed elégi Jerúsalem ut sit nomen meum in ea,
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et elégi David ut constitúerem eum super pópulum meum Israël. Cumque fuísset voluntátis David patris mei ut ædificáret domum nómini Dómini Dei Israël, dixit Dóminus ad eum: Quia hæc fuit volúntas tua, ut ædificáres domum nómini meo, bene quidem fecísti hujuscémodi habére voluntátem: sed non tu ædificábis domum: verum fílius tuus, qui egrediétur de lumbis tuis, ipse ædificábit domum nómini meo. Complévit ergo Dóminus sermónem suum quem locútus fúerat: et ego surréxi pro David patre meo, et sedi super thronum Israël, sicut locútus est Dóminus: et ædificávi domum nómini Dómini Dei Israël. Et pósui in ea arcam in qua est pactum Dómini quod pépigit cum fíliis Israël. Stetit ergo coram altári Dómini ex advérso univérsæ multitúdinis Israël, et exténdit manus suas. Síquidem fécerat Sálomon basim aeneam, et posúerat eam in médio basílicæ, habéntem quinque cúbitos longitúdinis, et quinque cúbitos latitúdinis, et tres cúbitos altitúdinis: stetítque super eam, et deínceps flexis génibus contra univérsam multitúdinem Israël, et palmis in cælum levátis, ait: Dómine Deus Israël, non est símilis tui deus in cælo et in terra: qui custódis pactum et misericórdiam cum servis tuis qui ámbulant coram te in toto corde suo: qui præstitísti servo tuo David patri meo quæcúmque locútus fúeras ei: et quæ ore promíseras, ópere complésti, sicut et præsens tempus probat. Nunc ergo Dómine Deus Israël, imple servo tuo patri meo David

[2 Chronicles 5:12-6:16, here called Paralipomenon]
12 Both the Levites and the singing men, that is, both they that were under Asaph, and they that were under Heman, and they that were under Idithun, with their sons, and their brethren, clothed with fine linen, sounded with cymbals, and psalteries, and harps, standing on the east side of the altar, and with them a hundred and twenty priests, sounding with trumpets. 13 So when they all sounded together, both with trumpets, and voice, and cymbals, and organs, and with divers kind of musical instruments, and lifted up their voice on high: the sound was heard afar off, so that when they began to praise the Lord, and to say: Give glory to the Lord for he is good, for his mercy endureth for ever: the house of God was filled with a cloud. 14 Nor could the priests stand and minister by reason of the cloud. For the glory of the Lord had filled the house of God.
[2 lines untranscribed.]
1 Then Solomon said: The Lord promised that he would dwell in a cloud. 2 But I have built a house to his name, that he might dwell there for ever. 3 And the king turned his face, and blessed all the multitude of Israel (for all the multitude stood attentive) and he said: 4 Blessed be the Lord the God of Israel, who hath accomplished in deed that which he spoke to David my father, saying: 5 From the day that I brought my people out of the land of Egypt, I chose no city among all the tribes of Israel, for a house to be built in it to my name: neither chose I any other man, to be the ruler of my people Israel. 6 But I chose Jerusalem, that my name might be there: and I chose David to set him over my people Israel. 7 And whereas David my father had a mind to build a house to the name of the Lord the God of Israel, 8 The Lord said to him: Forasmuch as it was thy will to build a house to my name, thou hast done well indeed in having such a will: 9 But thou shalt not build the house, but thy son, who shall come out of thy loins, he shall build a house to my name. 10 The Lord therefore hath accomplished his word which he spoke: and I am risen up in the place of David my father, and sit upon the throne of Israel, as the Lord promised: and have built a house to the name of the Lord God of Israel. 11 And I have put in it the ark, wherein is the covenant of the Lord, which he made with the children of Israel. 12 And he stood before the altar of the Lord, in presence of all the multitude of Israel, and stretched forth his hands. 13 For Solomon had made a brazen scaffold, and had set it in the midst of the temple, which was five cubits long, and five cubits broad, and three cubits high: and he stood upon it: then kneeling down in the presence of all the multitude of Israel, and lifting up his hands towards heaven, 14 He said: O Lord God of Israel, there is no God like thee in heaven nor in earth: who keepest covenant and mercy with thy servants, that walk before thee with all their hearts: 15 Who hast performed to thy servant David my father all that thou hast promised him: and hast accomplished in fact, what thou hast spoken with thy mouth, as also the present time proveth. 16 Now then, O Lord God of Israel, fulfil to thy servant David my father...