University of South Carolina Leaf 20
This leaf is from a Flemish psalter of the mid-thirteenth century and measures 13 x 9.5 cm. It is lined in ink; the primary textual ink is dark brown, with decoration in red, coral, and two shades of blue. The initial letter of each psalm is illuminated, as are the first letters of every other verse, and the beginnings of the Psalms are marked with prominent Arabic numerals in ink. The discrepancy in numbering the Psalms is caused by varying textual divisions in the Hebrew and Greek versions. See Denison University Leaf 20 for more information about this manuscript.
Text: Psalms 15:8-10 and 16:1 (recto); Psalms 16:1-5 (verso).

University of South Carolina Leaf 20 Recto

dextris est mihi, ne commóvear.
Propter hoc lætátum est cor meum, et exsultávit lingua mea; ínsuper et caro mea requiéscet in spe.
Quóniam non derelínques ánimam meam in inférno, nec dabis sanctum tuum vidére corruptiónem.
Notas mihi fecísti vias vitæ; adimplébis me lætítia cum vultu tuo: delectatiónes in déxtera tua usque in finem.
17 Exáudi, Dómine, justítiam meam; inténde deprecatiónem meam.

[Psalms 15:8-10 and 16:1]
8 I set the Lord always in my sight: for he is at my right hand, that I be not moved. 9 Therefore my heart hath been glad, and my tongue hath rejoiced: moreover my flesh also shall rest in hope. 10 Because thou wilt not leave my soul in hell; nor wilt then give thy holy one to see corruption. Thou hast made known to me the ways of life, thou shalt fill me with joy with thy countenance: at thy right hand are delights even to the end.
Hear, O Lord, my justice: attend to my supplication. Give ear unto my prayer, which proceedeth not from deceitful lips.

University of South Carolina Leaf 20 Verso

Áuribus pércipe oratiónem meam, non in lábiis dolósis.
De vultu tuo judícium meum pródeat; óculi tui vídeant æquitátes.
Probásti cor meum, et visitásti nocte; igne me examinásti, et non est invénta in me iníquitas.
Ut non loquátur os meum ópera hóminum: propter verba labiórum tuórum, ego custodívi vias duras.
Pérfice gressus meos in sémitis tuis, ut non moveántur vestígia mea.

[Psalms 16:1-5]
Give ear unto my prayer, which proceedeth not from deceitful lips. 2 Let my judgment come forth from thy countenance: let thy eyes behold the things that are equitable. 3 Thou hast proved my heart, and visited it by night, thou hast tried me by fire: and iniquity hath not been found in me. 4 That my mouth may not speak the works of men: for the sake of the words of thy lips, I have kept hard ways. 5 Perfect thou my goings in thy paths: that my footsteps be not moved.