University of South Carolina Leaf 11
This leaf is from an Italian bible of the 13th century. It measures 19.5 x 13cm and the vellum is thin and supple, with minimal yellowing. It is lined with plummet, and includes blue, red, and black ink. The text is rotunda gothic. Though not illuminated, the leaf includes decorative initials with flourishes, as well as red and blue book numbers and chapter names. The first letter of most verses is pricked out in red. See Denison University Leaf 11 for more information about this manuscript.
Text: Proverbs 11:1-13:6 (recto) and 13:7-15:1 (verso).

University of South Carolina Leaf 11 Recto

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justórum exaltábitur cívitas, et ore impiórum subvertétur. Qui déspicit amícum suum índigens corde est; vir autem prudens tacébit. Qui ámbulat fraudulénter, revélat arcána; qui autem fidélis est ánimi, celat amíci commíssum. Ubi non est gubernátor, pópulus córruet; salus autem, ubi multa consília. Affligétur malo qui fidem facit pro extráneo; qui autem cavet láqueos secúrus erit. Múlier gratiósa invéniet glóriam, et robústi habébunt divítias. Benefácit ánimæ suæ vir miséricors; qui autem crúdelis est, étiam propínquos ábjicit. Ímpius facit opus instábile, seminánti autem justítiam merces fidélis. Cleméntia præpárat vitam, et sectátio malórum mortem. Abominábile Dómino cor pravum, et volúntas ejus in iis qui simplíciter ámbulant. Manus in manu non erit ínnocens malus; semen autem justórum salvábitur. Círculus áureus in náribus suis, múlier pulchra et fátua. Desidérium justórum omne bonum est; præstolátio impiórum furor. Álii dívidunt própria, et ditióres fiunt; álii rápiunt non sua, et semper in egestáte sunt. Ánima quæ benedícit impinguábitur, et qui inébriat, ipse quoque inebriábitur. Qui abscóndit fruménta maledicétur in pópulis; benedíctio autem super caput vendéntium. Bene consúrgit dilúculo qui quærit bona; qui autem investigátor malórum est, opprimétur ab eis. Qui confídit in divítiis suis córruet: justi autem quasi virens fólium germinábunt. Qui contúrbat domum suam possidébit ventos, et qui stultus est sérviet sapiénti. Fructus justi lignum vitæ, et qui súscipit ánimas sápiens est. Si justus in terra récipit, quanto magis ímpius et peccátor! XII. Qui díligit disciplínam díligit sciéntiam; qui autem odit increpatiónes insípiens est. Qui bonus est háuriet grátiam a Dómino; qui autem confídit in cogitatiónibus suis ímpie agit. Non roborábitur homo ex impietáte, et radix justórum non commovébitur. Múlier díligens coróna est viro suo; et putrédo in óssibus ejus, quæ confusióne res dignas gerit. Cogitatiónes justórum judícia, et consília impiórum fraudulénta. Verba impiórum insidiántur sánguini; os justórum liberábit eos. Verte ímpios, et non erunt; domus autem justórum permanébit. Doctrína sua
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noscétur vir; qui autem vanus et excors est patébit contémptui. Mélior est pauper et suffíciens sibi quam gloriósus et índigens pane. Novit justus jumentórum suórum ánimas; víscera autem impiórum crudélia. Qui operátur terram suam satiábitur pánibus; qui autem sectátur ótium stultíssimus est. Qui suávis est in vini demoratiónibus, in suis munitiónibus relínquit contuméliam. Desidérium ímpii muniméntum est pessimórum; radix autem justórum profíciet. Propter peccáta labiórum ruína próximat malo; effúgiet autem justus de angústia. De fructu oris sui unusquísque replébitur bonis, et juxta ópera mánuum suárum retribuétur ei. Via stulti recta in óculis ejus; qui autem sápiens est audit consília. Fátuus statim índicat iram suam; qui autem dissímulat injúriam cállidus est. Qui quod novit lóquitur, index justítiæ est; qui autem mentítur, testis est frauduléntus. Est qui promíttit, et quasi gládio púngitur consciéntiæ: lingua autem sapiéntium sánitas est. Lábium veritátis firmum erit in perpétuum; qui autem testis est repentínus, concínnat linguam mendácii. Dolus in corde cogitántium mala; qui autem pacis íneunt consília, séquitur eos gáudium. Non contristábit justum quidquid ei accíderit: ímpii autem replebúntur malo. Abominátio est Dómino lábia mendácia; qui autem fidéliter agunt placent ei. Homo versátus celat sciéntiam, et cor insipiéntium próvocat stultítiam. Manus fórtium dominábitur; quæ autem remíssa est, tribútis sérviet. Mœror in corde viri humiliábit illum, et sermóne bono lætificábitur. Qui négligit damnum propter amícum, justus est; iter autem impiórum decípiet eos. Non invéniet frauduléntus lucrum, et substántia hóminis erit auri prétium. In sémita justítiæ vita; iter autem dévium ducit ad mortem. XIII. Fílius sápiens doctrína patris; qui autem illúsor est non audit cum argúitur. De fructu oris sui homo satiábitur bonis: ánima autem prævaricatórum iníqua. Qui custódit os suum custódit ánimam suam; qui autem inconsiderátus est ad loquéndum, séntiet mala. Vult et non vult piger; ánima autem operántium impinguábitur. Verbum mendax justus detestábitur; ímpius autem confúndit, et confundétur. Justítia custódit innocéntis viam, impiétas autem pec-

[Proverbs 11:1-13:6]
...shall be exalted: and by the mouth of the wicked it shall be overthrown. 12 He that despiseth his friend, is mean of heart: but the wise man will hold his peace. 13 He that walketh deceitfully, revealeth secrets: but he that is faithful, concealeth the thing committed to him by his friend. 14 Where there is no governor, the people shall fall: but there is safety where there is much counsel. 15 He shall be afflicted with evil, that is surety for a stranger: but he that is aware of the snares, shall be secure. 16 A gracious woman shall find glory: and the strong shall have riches. 17 A merciful man doth good to his own soul: but he that is cruel casteth off even his own kindred. 18 The wicked maketh an unsteady work: but to him that soweth justice, there is a faithful reward. 19 Clemency prepareth life: and the pursuing of evil things, death. 20 A perverse heart is abominable to the Lord: and his will is in them that walk sincerely. 21 Hand in hand the evil man shall not be innocent: but the seed of the just shall be saved. 22 A golden ring in a swine's snout, a woman fair and foolish. 23 The desire of the just is all good: the expectation of the wicked is indignation. 24 Some distribute their own goods, and grow richer: others take away what is not their own, and are always in want. 25 The soul which blesseth, shall be made fat: and he that inebriateth, shall be inebriated also himself. 26 He that hideth up corn, shall be cursed among the people: but a blessing upon the head of them that sell. 27 Well doth he rise early who seeketh good things; but he that seeketh after evil things shall be oppressed by them. 28 He that trusteth in his riches shall fall: but the just shall spring up as a green leaf. 29 He that troubleth his own house, shall inherit the winds: and the fool shall serve the wise. 30 The fruit of the just man is a tree of life: and he that gaineth souls, is wise. 31 If the just man receive in the earth, how much more the wicked and the sinner.
1 He that loveth correction, loveth knowledge: but he that hateth reproof is foolish. 2 He that is good, shall draw grace from the Lord: but he that trusteth in his own devices doth wickedly. 3 Men shall not be strengthened by wickedness: and the root of the just shall not be moved. 4 A diligent woman is a crown to her husband: and she that doth things worthy of confusion, is a rottenness in his bones. 5 The thoughts of the just are judgments: and the counsels of the wicked are deceitful. 6 The words of the wicked lie in wait for blood: the mouth of the just shall deliver them. 7 Turn the wicked, and they shall not be: but the house of the just shall stand firm. 8 A man shall be known by his learning: but he that is vain and foolish, shall be exposed to contempt. 9 Better is the poor man that provideth for himself, than he that is glorious and wanteth bread. 10 The just regardeth the lives of his beasts: but the bowels of the wicked are cruel. 11 He that tilleth his land shall be satisfied with bread: but he that pursueth idleness is very foolish. He that is delighted in passing his time over wine, leaveth a reproach in his strong holds. 12 The desire of the wicked is the fortification of evil men: but the root of the just shall prosper. 13 For the sins of the lips ruin draweth nigh to the evil man: but the just shall escape out of distress. 14 By the fruit of his own mouth shall a man be filled with good things, and according to the works of his hands it shall be repaid him. 15 The way of a fool is right in his own eyes: but he that is wise hearkeneth unto counsels. 16 A fool immediately sheweth his anger: but he that dissembleth injuries is wise. 17 He that speaketh that which he knoweth, sheweth forth justice: but he that lieth, is a deceitful witness. 18 There is that promiseth, and is pricked as it were with a sword of conscience: but the tongue of the wise is health. 19 The lip of truth shall be steadfast for ever: but he that is a hasty witness, frameth a lying tongue. 20 Deceit is in the heart of them that think evil things: but joy followeth them that take counsels of peace. 21 Whatsoever shall befall the just man, it shall not make him sad: but the wicked shall be filled with mischief. 22 Lying lips are an abomination to the Lord: but they that deal faithfully please him. 23 A cautious man concealeth knowledge: and the heart of fools publisheth folly. 24 The hand of the valiant shall bear rule: but that which is slothful, shall be under tribute. 25 Grief in the heart of a man shall bring him low, but with a good word he shall be made glad. 26 He that neglecteth a loss for the sake of a friend, is just: but the way of the wicked shall deceive them. 27 The deceitful man shall not find gain: but the substance of a just man shall be precious gold. 28 In the path of justice is life: but the by-way leadeth to death.
1 A wise son heareth the doctrine of his father: but he that is a scorner, beareth not when he is reproved. 2 Of the fruit of his own mouth shall a man be filled with good things: but the soul of transgressors is wicked. 3 He that keepeth his mouth, keepeth his soul: but he that hath no guard on his speech shall meet with evils. 4 The sluggard willeth and willeth not: but the soul of them that work, shall be made fat. 5 The just shall hate a lying word: but the wicked confoundeth, and shall be confounded. 6 Justice keepeth the way of the innocent: but wickedness overthroweth...

University of South Carolina Leaf 11 Verso

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-catórem supplántat. Est quasi dives, cum nihil hábeat, et est quasi pauper, cum in multis divítiis sit. Redémptio ánimæ viri divítiæ suæ; qui autem pauper est, increpatiónem non sústinet. Lux justórum lætíficat: lucérna autem impiórum extinguétur. Inter supérbos semper júrgia sunt; qui autem agunt ómnia cum consílio, regúntur sapiéntia. Substántia festináta minuétur; quæ autem paulátim collígitur manu, multiplicábitur. Spes quæ différtur afflígit ánimam; lignum vitæ desidérium véniens. Qui détrahit alícui rei, ipse se in futúrum óbligat; qui autem timet præcéptum, in pace versábitur. Ánimæ dolósæ errant in peccátis: justi autem misericórdes sunt, et miserántur. Lex sapiéntis fons vitæ, ut declínet a ruína mortis. Doctrína bona dabit grátiam; in itínere contemptórum vórago. Astútus ómnia agit cum consílio; qui autem fátuus est áperit stultítiam. Núntius ímpii cadet in malum; legátus autem fidélis, sánitas. Egéstas et ignomínia ei qui déserit disciplínam; qui autem acquiéscit arguénti glorificábitur. Desidérium si compleátur deléctat ánimam; detestántur stulti eos qui fúgiunt mala. Qui cum sapiéntibus gráditur sápiens erit; amícus stultórum símilis efficiétur. Peccatóres perséquitur malum, et justis retribuéntur bona. Bonus relíquit haeredes fílios et nepótes, et custodítur justo substántia peccatóris. Multi cibi in noválibus patrum, et áliis congregántur absque judício. Qui parcit virgæ odit fílium suum; qui autem díligit illum instánter érudit. Justus cómedit et replet ánimam suam; venter autem impiórum insaturábilis. XIIII. Sápiens múlier ædíficat domum suam; insípiens exstrúctam quoque mánibus déstruet. Ámbulans recto itínere, et timens Deum, despícitur ab eo qui infámi gráditur via. In ore stulti virga supérbiæ; lábia autem sapiéntium custódiunt eos. Ubi non sunt boves, praesepe vácuum est; ubi autem plúrimæ ségetes, ibi manifésta est fortitúdo bovis. Testis fidélis non mentítur; profert autem mendácium dolósus testis. Quærit derísor sapiéntiam, et non invénit; doctrína prudéntium fácilis. Vade contra virum
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stultum, et nescit lábia prudéntiæ. Sapiéntia cállidi est intellígere viam suam, et imprudéntia stultórum errans. Stultus illúdet peccátum, et inter justos morábitur grátia. Cor quod novit amaritúdinem ánimæ suæ, in gáudio ejus non miscébitur extráneus. Domus impiórum delébitur: tabernácula vero justórum germinábunt. Est via quæ vidétur hómini justa, novíssima autem ejus dedúcunt ad mortem. Risus dolóre miscébitur, et extréma gáudii luctus óccupat. Viis suis replébitur stultus, et super eum erit vir bonus. Ínnocens credit omni verbo; astútus consíderat gressus suos. Fílio dolóso nihil erit boni; servo autem sapiénti prósperi erunt actus, et dirigétur via ejus. Sápiens timet, et declínat a malo; stultus tránsilit, et confídit. Impátiens operábitur stultítiam, et vir versútus odiósus est. Possidébunt párvuli stultítiam, et exspectábunt astúti sciéntiam. Jacébunt mali ante bonos, et ímpii ante portas justórum. Étiam próximo suo pauper odiósus erit: amíci vero dívitum multi. Qui déspicit próximum suum peccat; qui autem miserétur páuperis beátus erit. Qui credit in Dómino misericórdiam díligit. Errant qui operántur malum; misericórdia et véritas præpárant bona. In omni ópere erit abundántia; ubi autem verba sunt plúrima, ibi frequénter egéstas. Coróna sapiéntium divítiæ eórum; fatúitas stultórum imprudéntia. Líberat ánimas testis fidélis, et profert mendácia versipéllis. In timóre Dómini fidúcia fortitúdinis, et fíliis ejus erit spes. Timor Dómini fons vitæ, ut declínent a ruína mortis. In multitúdine pópuli dígnitas regis, et in paucitáte plebis ignomínia príncipis. Qui pátiens est multa gubernátur prudéntia; qui autem impátiens est exáltat stultítiam suam. Vita cárnium sánitas cordis; putrédo óssium invídia. Qui calumniátur egéntem éxprobrat factóri ejus; honórat autem eum qui miserétur páuperis. In malítia sua expellétur ímpius: sperat autem justus in morte sua. In corde prudéntis requiéscit sapiéntia, et indóctos quosque erúdiet. Justítia élevat gentem; míseros autem facit pópulos peccátum. Accéptus est regi miníster intélligens; iracúndiam ejus inútilis sustinébit. XV. Respónsio mollis frangit iram; sermo durus

Proverbs 13:7-15:1
7 One is as it were rich, when he hath nothing: and another is as it were poor, when he hath great riches. 8 The ransom of a man's life are his riches: but he that is poor beareth not reprehension. 9 The light of the just giveth joy: but the lamp of the wicked shall be put out. 10 Among the proud there are always contentions: but they that do all things with counsel, are ruled by wisdom. 11 Substance got in haste shall be diminished: but that which by little and little is gathered with the hand shall increase. 12 Hope that is deferred afflicteth the soul: desire when it cometh is a tree of life. 13 Whosoever speaketh ill of any thing, bindeth himself for the time to come: but he that feareth the commandment, shall dwell in peace. Deceitful souls go astray in sins: the just are merciful, and shew mercy. 14 The law of the wise is a fountain of life, that he may decline from the ruin of death. 15 Good instruction shall give grace: in the way of scorners is a deep pit. 16 The prudent man doth all things with counsel: but he that is a fool, layeth open his folly. 17 The messenger of the wicked shall fall into mischief: but a faithful ambassador is health. 18 Poverty and shame to him that refuseth instruction: but he that yieldeth to reproof, shall be glorified. 19 The desire that is accomplished, delighteth the soul: fools hate them that flee from evil things. 20 He that walketh with the wise, shall be wise: a friend of fools shall become like to them. 21 Evil pursueth sinners: and to the just good shall be repaid. 22 The good man leaveth heirs, sons, and grandsons: and the substance of the sinner is kept for the just. 23 Much food is in the tillage of fathers: but for others it is gathered with out judgment. 24 He that spareth the rod hateth his son: but he that loveth him correcteth him betimes. 25 The just eateth and filleth his soul: but the belly of the wicked is never to be filled. 1 A WISE woman buildeth her house: but the foolish will pull down with her hands that also which is built. 2 He that walketh in the right way, and feareth God, is despised by him that goeth by an infamous way. 3 In the mouth of a fool is the rod of pride: but the lips of the wise preserve them. 4 Where there are no oxen, the crib is empty: but where there is much corn, there the strength of the ox is manifest. 5 A faithful witness will not lie: but a deceitful witness uttereth a lie. 6 A scorner seeketh wisdom, and findeth it not: the learning of the wise is easy. 7 Go against a foolish man, and he knoweth not the lips of prudence. 8 The wisdom of a discreet man is to understand his way: and the imprudence of fools erreth. 9 A fool will laugh at sin, but among the just grace shall abide. 10 The heart that knoweth the bitterness of his own soul, in his joy the stranger shall not intermeddle. 11 The house of the wicked shall be destroyed: but the tabernacles of the just shall flourish. 12 There is a way which seemeth just to a man: but the ends thereof lead to death. 13 Laughter shall be mingled with sorrow, and mourning taketh hold of the end of joy. 14 A fool shall be filled with his own ways, and the good man shall be above him. 15 The innocent believeth every word: the discreet man considereth his steps. No good shall come to the deceitful son: but the wise servant shall prosper in his dealings, and his way shall be made straight. 16 A wise man feareth and declineth from evil: the fool leapeth over and is confident. 17 The impatient man shall work folly: and the crafty man is hateful. 18 The childish shall possess folly, and the prudent shall look for knowledge. 19 The evil shall fall down before the good: and the wicked before the gates of the just. 20 The poor man shall be hateful even to his own neighbour: but the friends of the rich are many. 21 He that despiseth his neighbour, sinneth: but he that sheweth mercy to the poor, shall be blessed. He that believeth in the Lord, loveth mercy. 22 They err that work evil: but mercy and truth prepare good things. 23 In much work there shall be abundance: but where there are many words, there is oftentimes want. 24 The crown of the wise is their riches: the folly of fools, imprudence. 25 A faithful witness delivereth souls: and the double dealer uttereth lies. 26 In the fear of the Lord is confidence of strength, and there shall be hope for his children. 27 The fear of the Lord is a fountain of life, to decline from the ruin of death. 28 In the multitude of people is the dignity of the king: and in the small number of people the dishonour of the prince. 29 He that is patient, is governed with much wisdom: but he that is impatient, exalteth his folly. 30 Soundness of heart is the life of the flesh: but envy is the rottenness of the bones. 31 He that oppresseth the poor, upbraideth his Maker: but he that hath pity on the poor, honoureth him. 32 The wicked man shall be driven out in his wickedness: but the just hath hope in his death. 33 In the heart of the prudent resteth wisdom, and it shall instruct all the ignorant. 34 Justice exalteth a nation: but sin maketh nations miserable. 35 A wise servant is acceptable to the king: he that is good for nothing shall feel his anger.1 A mild answer breaketh wrath: but a harsh word stirreth up fury