University of South Carolina Leaf 08
This leaf is from a 13th century English gradual, and measures 18 x 12cm. It contains text and music for the celebration of the post-Easter season. See Denison University Leaf 08 for more information about this manuscript.
Text: Unidentified. The recto seems to contain lines from the very end of Venantius Fortunatus' Easter poem "Ad felicem episcopum de pascha," and the verso contains some text from Mark 16. The former suggests that this leaf may have been near Leaf 08 from the Case Western Reserve University portfolio in Ege's original manuscript.

University of South Carolina Leaf 08 Recto

vepre nata seges.
Aspera gens, saxo vivens quasi more ferino:
messis abundantis horrea fruge reples. Qua.
Inmaculata tuis plebs haec vegetetur in ulnis,
atque deo purum pignus ad astra feras. Qua.
Una corona tibi de te tribuatur ab alto.
Altera de populo vernet adepta tuo. Qua. Salve.
[Rubrications and marginal notes untranscribed.]
Ego sum alpha. V. Ego sum

A translation of this leaf is currently unavailable.

University of South Carolina Leaf 08 Verso

vestra redemptio, ego sum Rex vester, ego vos resuscitabo in die novissimo. Videte. Euntes in mundum universum predicate evangelium omni creature. Alleluya. Qui crediderit et baptizatus fuerit, salvus erit. Alleluya. Qui vero non crediderit, condemnabitur. Alleluya.
[Rubrication untranscribed.]
Hodie secreta celi caro Christi petiit. Alleluya. Hodie factum

A translation of this leaf is currently unavailable.