University of Saskatchewan Leaf 48
This leaf is from a Dutch Book of Hours from the late fifteenth century. It measures 17.5 x 12.5 cm. Compared to the other specimens of fifteenth-century Books of Hours in the portfolios, this one contains highly "itemized" pages: the red ink used for the rubrications sharply contrasts with the brown ink; several 1- or 2-line initials rendered in gold on a background of blue or red bring light into the text block of most leaves; and many lesser first letters are filled with yellow. Despite this lavish plan, all leaves from this manuscript show evidence of problematic adherence of the gold leaf, and/or incomplete decoration or text. See Denison University Leaf 48 for more information about this manuscript.
Text: This leaf contains text from the Hours of the Virgin at Matins (here, Psalms 18 and 23). A scan of the recto is not currently available, but it must contain the middle of Psalms 18.
Reconstruction Note! In Ege's original manuscript, this leaf followed what is now Leaf 48 in the Ohio State University portfolio.

University of Saskatchewan Leaf 48 Verso

ab alienis parce servo tuo.
Si mei non fuerint dominati, tunc immaculatus ero: et emundabor a delicto maximo.
Et erunt ut conplaceant eloquia oris mei: et meditatio cordis mei in conspectu tuo semper.
Domine adiutor meus: et redemptor meus.
Domini est terra, et plenitudo eius: orbis terrarum, et universi qui habitant in eo. Quia ipse super maria fundavit eum: et super flumina praeparavit eum.
Quis ascendit in montem Domini: aut quis stabit in loco sancto eius?
Innocens manibus, et mundo corde, qui non accepit in vano animam suam: nec iuravit in dolo proximo suo.
Hic accipiet benedictionem a Domino: et misericordiam a Deo salutari suo.

[from Psalms 18] ...from other men's spare thy servant. If they shall not have dominion over me, then shall I be immaculate: and shall be cleansed from the greatest sin. And the words of my mouth shall be such as may please: and the meditation of my heart always in thy sight. O Lord my helper: and redeemer.
[Psalms 23] The earth is our Lord's, and the fulness thereof: the round world and all that dwell therein. Because he hath founded it upon the seas: and upon the floods hath prepared it. Who shall ascend into the hill of our Lord: or who shall stand in his holy place? The innocent of hands, and of clean heart, that hath not taken his soul in vain: nor sworn to his neighbour in guile. He shall receive blessing of our Lord: and mercy of God his saviour. This...