Rochester Institute of Technology Leaf 50
This is a leaf from a Book of Hours made in France in, according to Ege, about the year 1535. It is the latest, or most recent, of the 50 leaves in the Ege portfolio, and measures 16 x 11.5 cm. The script is a curved gothic, and quite distinctive; notice especially the variety of directions and styles of the ascenders. By contrast the large illuminated initials seem very bulky and old-fashioned. Lesser first letters are filled with yellow. See Denison University Leaf 50 for more information about this manuscript.
Text: This leaf contains text from the Office for the Dead at Matins, the First Nocturne (here, Psalms 5 and the beginning of 6). A scan of the verso is not currently available.

Rochester Institute of Technology Leaf 50 Recto

secundum multitudinem impietatum eorum expelle eos: quoniam irritaverunt te Domine.
Et laetentur omnes, qui sperant in te: in aeternum exultabunt, et habitabis in eis.
Et gloriabuntur in te omnes, qui diligunt nomen tuum: quoniam tu benedices iusto.
Domine ut scuto bonae voluntatis tuae: coronasti nos. Ant: Dirige Domine Deus meus in conspectu tuo viam meam. Ant. Convertere. Psalmus.
Domine ne in furore tuo arguas me: neque in

[from Psalms 5] ...according to the multitude of their impieties expel them: because they have provoked thee O Lord. And let all be glad, that hope in thee: they shall rejoice forever, and thou shalt dwell in them. And all that love thy name, shall glory in thee: because thou wilt bless the just. Lord as with a shield, of thy good will: thou hast crowned us. Ant: Direct O Lord God my way in thy sight. Ant. Turn thee O lord. Psalm.
[Psalms 6] Lord rebuke me not in thy fury: nor chastise me in...