Rochester Institute of Technology Leaf 48
This leaf is from a Dutch Book of Hours from the late fifteenth century. It measures 17.5 x 12.5 cm. Compared to the other specimens of fifteenth-century Books of Hours in the portfolios, this one contains highly "itemized" pages: the red ink used for the rubrications sharply contrasts with the brown ink; several 1- or 2-line initials rendered in gold on a background of blue or red bring light into the text block of most leaves; and many lesser first letters are filled with yellow. Despite this lavish plan, all leaves from this manuscript show evidence of problematic adherence of the gold leaf, and/or incomplete decoration or text. See Denison University Leaf 48 for more information about this manuscript.
Text: This leaf contains text from Psalms 26, probably from the Office for the Dead at Matins, the second nocturne. A scan of the verso is not currently available.
Reconstruction Note! In Ege's original manuscript, this leaf followed what is now Leaf 48 in the Ohio University portfolio.

Rochester Institute of Technology Leaf 48 Recto

Exaudi Domine vocem meam, qua clamavi ad te: miserere mei, et exaudi me.
Tibi dixit cor meum, exquisivit te facies mea: faciem tuam Domine requiram.
Ne avertas faciem tuam a me: et ne declines in ira a servo tuo.
Adiutor meus esto, ne derelinquas me: neque dispicias me Deus salutaris meus. Quoniam pater meus et mater mea dereliquerunt me: Dominus autem assumpsit me.
Legem pone mihi Domine in via tua: et dirige me in semitam rectam, propter inimicos meos.
Ne tradideris me in animas tribulantium me: quoniam insurrexerunt in me testes iniqui, et mentita est iniquitas sibi.
Credo videre bona Domini: in terra viventium.
Expecta Dominum

[from Psalms 26] Hear O Lord my voice, where with I have cried to thee: have mercy on me, and hear me. My heart hath said to thee, my face hath sought thee out: thy face O Lord I will seek. Turn not away thy face from me: decline not in wrath from thy servant. Be thou my helper, forsake me not: neither despise me O God my saviour. Because my father and my mother have forsaken me: but our Lord hath taken me. Set me a law O Lord in thy way: and direct me in the right path, because of mine enemies. Deliver me not into the souls of them that trouble me: because unjust witnesses have risen up against me, and iniquity hath lied to itself. I believe to see the good things of our Lord: in the land of the living. Expect our Lord...