Rochester Institute of Technology Leaf 17
The vellum of this late-thirteenth century English psalter was once nearly white, but now appears dirty. The ink for the bulk of the text is brown, with blue, orange (or weak red), green, and white in the decorations. Gold and silver are both used, and the silver has tarnished. There are dragons, foliage, flowers, and pointed ivy as marginal decorations. Illuminated initials begin each verse, and bars are placed at the end of lines to complete them when the text is too short to fill them; these lines include both geometric designs and additional dragons. The leaf measures 17 x 11 cm. See Denison University Leaf 17 for more information about this manuscript.
Text: Psalms 38:13-39:8 (verso). A scan of the recto is not currently available.

Rochester Institute of Technology Leaf 17 Verso

[column A]
patres mei.
Remítte mihi, ut refrígerer priúsquam ábeam et ámplius non ero.
Exspéctans exspectávi Dóminum, et inténdit mihi.
Et exaudívit preces meas, et edúxit me de lacu misériæ et de luto fæcis.
Et státuit super petram pedes meos, et diréxit gressus meos.
Et immísit in os meum cánticum novum, carmen Deo nostro.
Vidébunt multi, et timébunt, et sperábunt in
[column B]
Beátus vir cujus est nomen Dómini spes ejus, et non respéxit in vanitátes et insánias falsas.
Multa fecísti tu, Dómine Deus meus, mirabília tua; et cogitatiónibus tuis non est qui símilis sit tibi.
Annuntiávi et locútus sum: multiplicáti sunt super númerum.
Sacrifícium et oblatiónem noluísti; aures autem perfecísti mihi.
Holocáustum et pro peccáto non postulásti; tunc dixi: Ecce vénio.

[Psalms 38:13-39:8]
...all my fathers were. 14 O forgive me, that I may be refreshed, before I go hence, and be no more.
2 With expectation I have waited for the Lord, and he was attentive to me. 3 And he heard my prayers, and brought me out of the pit of misery and the mire of dregs. And he set my feet upon a rock, and directed my steps. 4 And he put a new canticle into my mouth, a song to our God. Many shall see, and shall fear: and they shall hope in the Lord. 5 Blessed is the man whose trust is in the name of the Lord; and who hath not had regard to vanities, and lying follies. 6 Thou hast multiplied thy wonderful works, O Lord my God: and in thy thoughts there is no one like to thee. I have declared and I have spoken they are multiplied above number. 7 Sacrifice and oblation thou didst not desire; but thou hast pierced ears for me. Burnt offering and sin offering thou didst not require: 8 then said I, Behold I come.