Rochester Institute of Technology Leaf 08
This leaf is from a 13th century English gradual, and measures 18 x 12cm. See Denison University Leaf 08 for more information about this manuscript.
Text: Unidentified. A scan of the recto of the leaf is not currently available.

Rochester Institute of Technology Leaf 08 Verso

O quam gloriosum est regnum, in quo cum Christo gaudent omnes sancti, amicti stolis albis sequuntur Agnum quocunque ierit. V. Beata auitas jerusalm celesti in quo cum Christo in nocentes in perpetuis man Beneiticat genusionibus felices letantur amicti.
[4 lines of rubrication untranscribed.]
Jacet granum opressum palea, justus caesus pravorum framea. Celum domo commutans

A translation of this leaf is currently unavailable.