Ohio University Leaf 47
This leaf is from a Book of Hours made in the area of the Netherlands in the late fifteenth century. It measures 18 x 13 cm. The borders on these leaves come in two forms. Some are composed of a firmly-defined rectangle filled to its edge with solid color (dominated by cinnamon, deep sky blue, and gold) rendered in a decorative conceit (triangles, waves, bars) and framing simple flower sprigs. Other borders are less boldly outlined and are not filled with solid colors; instead, a speckled background hosts a strong acanthus vine and a wildflower spray in which a live creature (a bird, a human, a zoomorph) may lurk. While this leaf may have been created in the Netherlands, its rubricated headings are in French. See Denison University Leaf 47 for more information about this manuscript.
Text: This leaf contains part of the suffrages to the saints (the end of John the Baptist; then John the Evangelist; then Peter and Paul). Note that the rubricated names of the saints are in French.

Ohio University Leaf 47 Recto

viam salutis incedat et beati Ioannis praecursoris Christi hortamenta sectando: ad eum quem praedixit securus perveniat. Dominum nostrum Iesum Christum Filium tuum qui tecum vivat et regnat. De sainte Jehan Euvangeliste. Ant.
Iste est Ioannes qui super pectus domini in cena recubuit beata ille servus cui revelata sunt secreta celestia. V. Hic est discipulus ille qui testimonium

...and by following the encouragements of the blessed John, forerunner of Christ, may reach him whom he with certainty foretold, our Lord Jesus Christ your son, who with you lives and reigns. Of Saint John the Evangelist. Ant.
This is John who reclined upon the breast of the Lord at the Last Supper; the blessed one to whom were revealed the secrets of heaven. V: The disciple whose testimony...

Ohio University Leaf 47 Verso

pechibuit de hiis. R. Et samus quia verum est testimonium eius. Oremus.
Ecclesiam tuam quaesumus domine benignus illustra: ut beati Ioannis apostoli tui et evangelistae illuminata doctrinis ad dona perveniat sempiterna. Per Christum dominum nostrum. De Saint Pierre et Saint Pol. Ant.
Tu est pastor omnium princeps apostolorum et tibi tradite st. claves regni celorum. V. Tu es Petrus. R. Et super hanc pe-

[ ] Let us pray. Make thy church shine, we ask, O kindly Lord, so that illuminated by the teachings of blessed John thy apostle and evangelist it may reach thy eternal gifts. Through our lord Jesus Christ. Of Saint Peter and Saint Paul. Ant.
You are the chief of all bishops and to you were given the keys of the kingdom of heaven. V. You are Peter. R. And on this...