Ohio University Leaf 30
This leaf comes from a French Book of Hours made in the middle of the fifteenth century. It measures 38.5 x 28 cm. The text block on both the recto and verso is bordered by a thick hedge of gilded holly and ivy, as well as flowers which Ege identifies as daisy, thistle, cornbottle, and stock. The black ink used for the main text has become less substantial over time, and there is a relative lack of rubrication of response abbreviations.
Text: This leaf contains text from the Seven Requests of Our Lord (the later requests, I think--5, 6, 7), in French. According to the Center for Håndskriftstudier i Danmark [CHD], "This prayer was in a period in the 15th Century (combined with the 'XV Joys of our Virgin'), an almost mandatory part of the last section in a French book of hours."

Ohio University Leaf 30 Recto

Calvaire et vous leur deites filles de Jhrlm ne ploures pas sur moy mes sur nous et sur vos enfans. Sire si comme ce fu voir me regardes en pitie. Amen.
Pater noster.
Beau sire dieux, regardes moy enpitie enlonneur de celluy regart dont vous regardastes vostre mere et vostre desciple saint jehan en la grant tristece quil; avoient de vostre mort. Et deites a nostre [?] mere femme voy cy ton fils et

A translation of this leaf is currently unavailable.

Ohio University Leaf 30 Verso

puis deites a lautre voy cy ta mere. Sire sicomme cefu voir me regardes en pitie. Amen.
Pater noster.
Beau sire dieux, regardes moy enpitie en lonneur de celuy regart dont vous regardastes le larion pendant en la croix quant il vous dit. Sire remembres vous de moi quant vous vendres en vostre regne. Et vostre samte bouche huy respondi huy sera en paradis avec moy. Sire sicome

A translation of this leaf is currently unavailable.