Ohio University Leaf 14
This leaf comes from a French Bible of the late thirteenth century. The vellum is thin, white, and supple with minimal yellowing, measuring a substantial 40.5 x 27 cm. Lining is done in light ink or lead, and the script is an angular gothic. The bulk of the text is in brown ink, with red, blue, coral, white, and beige for the decorations. This leaf is heavily illuminated and decorated, including elaborate initials and foliage, highlighted book names and chapter numbers, and extensive use of gold leaf. But while the decoration is exceptional, we see on these leaves an unusual number of scribal corrections (especially erasures and strikethroughs). See Denison University Leaf 14 for more information about this manuscript.
Text: Ecclesiasticus 39:25-41:4 (recto) and 41:4-42:26 (verso).

Ohio University Leaf 14 Recto

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mirábile in conspéctu ejus. Non est dícere: Quid est hoc, aut quid est istud? ómnia enim in témpore suo quæréntur. Benedíctio illíus quasi flúvius inundávit. Quómodo cataclýsmus áridam inebriávit, sic ira ipsíus gentes quæ non exquisiérunt eum hæreditábit. Quómodo convértit aquas in siccitátem, et siccáta est terra, et viæ illíus viis illórum diréctæ sunt, sic peccatóribus offensiónes in ira ejus. Bona bonis creáta sunt ab inítio: sic nequíssimis bona et mala. Inítium necessáriæ rei vitæ hóminum, aqua, ignis, et ferrum, sal, lac, et panis similagíneus, et mel, et botrus uvæ, et óleum, et vestiméntum. Hæc ómnia sanctis in bona, sic et ímpiis et peccatóribus in mala converténtur. Sunt spíritus qui ad vindíctam creáti sunt, et in furóre suo confirmavérunt torménta sua. In témpore consummatiónis effúndent virtútem, et furórem ejus qui fecit illos placábunt. Ignis, grando, fames, et mors, ómnia hæc ad vindíctam creáta sunt: bestiárum dentes, et scórpii, et serpéntes, et rhomphǽa víndicans in extermínium ímpios. In mandátis ejus epulabúntur: et super terram in necessitátem præparabúntur, et in tempóribus suis non prætérient verbum. Proptérea ab inítio confirmátus sum, et consiliátus sum, et cogitávi, et scripta dimísi. Ómnia ópera Dómini bona, et omne opus hora sua subministrábit. Non est dícere: Hoc illo néquius est: ómnia enim in témpore suo comprobabúntur. Et nunc in omni corde et ore collaudáte, et benedícite nomen Dómini. XL. Occupátio magna creáta est ómnibus homínibus, et jugum grave super fílios Adam, a die éxitus de ventre matris eórum usque in diem sepultúræ in matrem ómnium. Cogitatiónes eórum, et timóres cordis, adinvéntio exspectatiónis, et dies finitiónis, a residénte super sedem gloriósam, usque ad humiliátum in terra et cínere: ab eo qui útitur hyacíntho et portat corónam, usque ad eum qui operítur lino crudo: furor, zelus, tumúltus, fluctuátio, et timor mortis, iracúndia persevérans, et conténtio: et in témpore refectiónis in cubíli, somnus noctis immútat sciéntiam ejus. Módicum tamquam nihil in réquie, et ab eo in somnis, quasi in die respéctus. Conturbátus est in visu cordis sui, tamquam qui eváserit in die belli: in témpore salútis suæ exsurréxit, et admírans ad nullum timó-
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-rem: cum omni carne, ab hómine usque ad pecus, et super peccatóres séptuplum. Ad hæc mors, sanguis, conténtio, et rhomphǽa, oppressiónes, fames, et contrítio, et flagélla: super iníquos creáta sunt hæc ómnia: et propter illos factus est cataclýsmus. Ómnia quæ de terra sunt in terram converténtur, et omnes aquæ in mare reverténtur. Omne munus et iníquitas delébitur, et fides in sǽculum stabit. Substántiæ injustórum sicut flúvius siccabúntur, et sicut tonítruum magnum in plúvia personábunt. In aperiéndo manus suas lætábitur: sic prævaricatóres in consummatióne tabéscent. Nepótes impiórum non multiplicábunt ramos: et radíces immúndæ super cacúmen petræ sonant. Super omnem aquam viríditas, et ad oram flúminis ante omne fœnum evellétur. Grátia sicut paradísus in benedictiónibus, et misericórdia in sǽculum pérmanet. Vita sibi sufficiéntis operárii condulcábitur, et in ea invénies thesáurum. Fílii et ædificátio civitátis confirmábit nomen: et super hæc múlier immaculáta computábitur. Vinum et música lætíficant cor: et super utráque diléctio sapiéntiæ. Tíbiæ et psaltérium suávem fáciunt melódiam: et super utráque lingua suávis. Grátiam et spéciem desiderábit óculus tuus : et super hæc vírides satiónes. Amícus et sodális in témpore conveniéntes, et super utrósque múlier cum viro. Fratres in adjutórium in témpore tribulatiónis: et super eos misericórdia liberábit. Aurum et argéntum est constitútio pedum: et super utrúmque consílium beneplácitum. Facultátes et virtútes exáltant cor, et super hæc timor Dómini. Non est in timóre Dómini minorátio: et non est in eo inquírere adjutórium. Timor Dómini sicut paradísus benedictiónis, et super omnem glóriam operuérunt illum. Fili, in témpore vitæ tuæ ne indígeas: mélius est enim mori quam indígere. Vir respíciens in mensam aliénam, non est vita ejus in cogitatióne victus: alit enim ánimam suam cibis aliénis: vir autem disciplinátus et erudítus custódiet se. In ore imprudéntis condulcábitur inópia, et in ventre ejus ignis ardébit. XLI. O mors, quam amára est memória tua hómini pacem habénti in substántiis suis: viro quiéto, et cujus viæ diréctæ sunt in ómnibus, et adhuc valénti accípere cibum! O mors, bonum est judícium tuum hómini indigénti, et qui minorátur víribus, defécto ætáte, et cui de ómnibus cura

[Ecclesiasticus 39:25-41:4]
...wonderful before him. 26 There is no saying: What is this, or what is that? for all things shall be sought in their time. 27 His blessing hath overflowed like a river. 28 And as a flood hath watered the earth; so shall his wrath inherit the nations, that have not sought after him: 29 Even as he turned the waters into a dry land, and the earth was made dry: and his ways were made plain for their journey: so to sinners they are stumblingblocks in his wrath. 30 Good things were created for the good from the beginning, so for the wicked, good and evil things. 31 The principal things necessary for the life of men, are water, fire, and iron, salt, milk, and bread of flour, and honey, and the cluster of the grape, and oil, and clothing. 32 All these things shall be for good to the holy, so to the sinners and the ungodly they shall be turned into evil. 33 There are spirits that are created for vengeance, and in their fury they lay on grievous torments. 34 In the time of destruction they shall pour out their force: and they shall appease the wrath of him that made them. 35 Fire, hail, famine, and death, all these were created for vengeance. 36 The teeth of beasts, and scorpions, and serpents, and the sword taking vengeance upon the ungodly unto destruction. 37 In his commandments they shall feast, and they shall be ready upon earth when need is, and when their time is come they shall not transgress his word. 38 Therefore from the beginning I was resolved, and I have meditated, and thought on these things and left them in writing. 39 All the works of the Lord are good, and he will furnish every work in due time. 40 It is not to be said: This is worse than that: for all shall be well approved in their time. 41 Now therefore with the whole heart and mouth praise ye him, and bless the name of the Lord.
1 The labour is created for all men, and a heavy yoke is upon the children of Adam, from the day of their coming out of their mother's womb, until the day of their burial into the mother of all. 2 Their thoughts, and fears of the heart, their imagination of things to come, and the day of their end: 3 From him that sitteth on a glorious throne, unto him that is humbled in earth and ashes: 4 From him that weareth purple, and beareth the crown, even to him that is covered with rough linen: wrath, envy, trouble, unquietness, and the fear of death, continual anger, and strife, 5 And in the time of rest upon his bed, the sleep of the night changeth his knowledge. 6 A little and as nothing is his rest, and afterward in sleep, as in the day of keeping watch. 7 He is troubled in the vision of his heart, as if he had escaped in the day of battle. In the time of his safety he rose up, and wondereth that there is no fear: 8 Such things happen to all flesh, from man even to beast, and upon sinners are sevenfold more. 9 Moreover, death, and bloodshed, strife, and sword, oppressions, famine, and affliction, and scourges: 10 All these things are created for the wicked, and for their sakes came the flood. 11 All things that are of the earth, shall return to the earth again, and all waters shall return to the sea. 12 All bribery, and injustice shall blotted out, and fidelity shall stand for ever. 13 The riches of the unjust shall be dried up like a river, and shall pass away with a noise like a great thunder in rain. 14 While he openeth his hands he shall rejoice: but transgressors shall pine away in the end. 15 The offspring of the ungodly shall not bring forth many branches, and make a noise as unclean roots upon the top of a rock. 16 The weed growing over every water, and at the bank of the river, shall be pulled up before all grass. 17 Grace is like a paradise in blessings, and mercy remaineth for ever. 18 The life of a labourer that is content with what he hath, shall be sweet, and in it thou shalt find a treasure. 19 Children, and the building of a city shall establish a name, but a blameless wife shall be counted above them both. 20 Wine and music rejoice the heart, but the love of wisdom is above them both. 21 The flute and the psaltery make a sweet melody, but a pleasant tongue is above them both. 22 Thy eye desireth favour and beauty, but more than these green sown fields. 23 A friend and companion meeting together in season, but above them both is a wife with her husband. 24 Brethren are a help in the time of trouble, but mercy shall deliver more than they. 25 Gold and silver make the feet stand sure: but wise counsel is above them both. 26 Riches and strength lift up the heart: but above these is the fear of the Lord. 27 There is no want in the fear of the Lord, and it needeth not to seek for help. 28 The fear of the Lord is like a paradise of blessing, and they have covered it above all glory. 29 My son, in thy lifetime be not indigent: for it is better to die than to want. 30 The life of him that looketh toward another man's table is not to be counted a life: for he feedeth his soul with another man's meat. 31 But a man, well instructed and taught, will look to himself. 32 Begging will be sweet in the mouth of the unwise, but in his belly there shall burn a fire.
1 O death, how bitter is the remembrance of thee to a man that hath peace in his possessions! 2 To a man that is at rest, and whose ways are prosperous in all things, and that is yet able to take meat! 3 O death, thy sentence is welcome to the man that is in need, and to him whose strength faileth: 4 Who is in a decrepit age, and that is in care about all things...

Ohio University Leaf 14 Verso

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et incredíbili, qui perdit patiéntiam! Noli metúere judícium mortis: meménto quæ ante te fuérunt, et quæ superventúra sunt tibi: hoc judícium a Dómino omni carni. Et quid supervéniet tibi in beneplácito Altíssimi? sive decem, sive centum, sive mille anni: non est enim in inférno accusátio vitæ. Fílii abominatiónum fiunt fílii peccatórum, et qui conversántur secus domos impiórum. Filiórum peccatórum périet hæréditas, et cum sémine illórum assidúitas oppróbrii. De patre ímpio querúntur fílii, quóniam propter illum sunt in oppróbrio. Væ vobis, viri ímpii, qui dereliquístis legem Dómini Altíssimi! Et si nati fuéritis, in maledictióne nascémini: et si mórtui fuéritis, in maledictióne erit pars vestra. Ómnia quæ de terra sunt in terram converténtur: sic ímpii a maledícto in perditiónem. Luctus hóminum in córpore ipsórum: nomen autem impiórum delébitur. Curam habe de bono nómine: hoc enim magis permanébit tibi quam mille thesáuri pretiósi et magni. Bonæ vitæ númerus diérum: bonum autem nomen permanébit in ævum. Disciplínam in pace conserváte, fílii: sapiéntia enim abscóndita, et thesáurus invísus, quæ utílitas in utrísque? Mélior est homo qui abscóndit stultítiam suam, quam homo qui abscóndit sapiéntiam suam. Verúmtamen reverémini in his quæ procédunt de ore meo: non est enim bonum omnem reveréntiam observáre, et non ómnia ómnibus bene placent in fide. Erubéscite a patre et a matre de fornicatióne: et a præsidénte et a poténte de mendácio: a príncipe et a júdice de delícto: a synagóga et plebe de iniquitáte: a sócio et amíco de injustítia, et de loco in quo hábitas: de furto, de veritáte Dei, et testaménto: de discúbitu in pánibus, et ab obfuscatióne dati et accépti: a salutántibus de siléntio, a respéctu mulíeris fornicáriæ, et ab aversióne vultus cognáti. Ne avértas fáciem a próximo tuo, et ab auferéndo partem et non restituéndo. Ne respícias mulíerem aliéni viri, et ne scrúteris ancíllam ejus, neque stéteris ad lectum ejus. Ab amícis de sermónibus impropérii: et cum déderis, ne impróperes. XLII. Non dúplices sermónem audítus de revelatióne sermónis abscónditi: et eris vere sine confusióne, et invénies grátiam in conspéctu ómnium hóminum. Ne pro his ómnibus confundáris, et ne accípias persónam ut delínquas: de lege Altíssimi, et testaménto, et de judício justificáre ímpium, de verbo sociórum et viatórum, et de datióne hæreditátis amicórum, de æqua-
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-litáte statéræ et pónderum, de acquisitióne multórum et paucórum, de corruptióne emptiónis et negotiatórum, et de multa disciplína filiórum, et servo péssimo latus sanguináre. Super mulíerem nequam bonum est signum. Ubi manus multæ sunt, claude: et quodcúmque trades, númera et appénde: datum vero et accéptum omne descríbe. De disciplína insensáti et fátui, et de senióribus qui judicántur ab adolescéntibus: et eris erudítus in ómnibus, et probábilis in conspéctu ómnium vivórum. Fília patris abscóndita est vigília, et sollicitúdo ejus aufert somnum: ne forte in adolescéntia sua adúlta efficiátur, et cum viro commoráta odíbilis fiat: nequándo polluátur in virginitáte sua, et in patérnis suis grávida inveniátur: ne forte cum viro commoráta transgrediátur, aut certe stérilis efficiátur. Super fíliam luxuriósam confírma custódiam, nequándo fáciat te in oppróbrium veníre inimícis, a detractióne in civitáte, et objectióne plebis, et confúndat te in multitúdine pópuli. Omni hómini noli inténdere in spécie, et in médio mulíerum noli commorári: de vestiméntis enim procédit tínea, et a mulíere iníquitas viri. Mélior est enim iníquitas viri quam múlier benefáciens, et múlier confúndens in oppróbrium. Memor ero ígitur óperum Dómini, et quæ vidi annuntiábo. In sermónibus Dómini ópera ejus. Sol illúminans per ómnia respéxit, et glória Dómini plenum est opus ejus. Nonne Dóminus fecit sanctos enarráre ómnia mirabília sua, quæ confirmávit Dóminus omnípotens stabilíri in glória sua? Abýssum et cor hóminum investigávit, et in astútia eórum excogitávit. Cognóvit enim Dóminus omnem sciéntiam, et inspéxit in signum ævi, annúntians quæ præteriérunt et quæ superventúra sunt, revélans vestígia occultórum. Non prǽterit illum omnis cogitátus, et non abscóndit se ab eo ullus sermo. Magnália sapiéntiæ suæ decorávit, qui est ante sǽculum et usque in sǽculum: neque adjéctum est, neque minúitur, et non eget alicújus consílio. Quam desiderabília ómnia ópera ejus! et tamquam scintílla quæ est consideráre! Ómnia hæc vivunt, et manent in sǽculum, et in omni necessitáte ómnia obáudiunt ei. Ómnia duplícia, unum contra unum, et non fecit quidquam deésse. Uniuscujúsque confirmávit bona: et quis satiábitur videns glóriam ejus?

[Ecclesiasticus 41:4-42:26]
...and to the distrustful that loseth patience! 5 Fear not the sentence of death. Remember what things have been before thee, and what shall come after thee: this sentence is from the Lord upon all flesh. 6 And what shall come upon thee by the good pleasure of the most High? whether ten, or a hundred, or a thousand years. 7 For among the dead there is no accusing of life. 8 The children of sinners become children of abominations, and they that converse near the houses of the ungodly. 9 The inheritance of the children of sinners shall perish, and with their posterity shall be a perpetual reproach. 10 The children will complain of an ungodly father, because for his sake they are in reproach. 11 Woe to you, ungodly men, who have forsaken the law of the most high Lord. 12 And if you be born, you shall be born in malediction: and if you die, in malediction shall be your portion. 13 All things that are of the earth, shall return into the earth: so the ungodly shall from malediction to destruction. 14 The mourning of men is about their body, but the name of the ungodly shall be blotted out. 15 Take care of a good name: for this shall continue with thee, more than a thousand treasures precious and great. 16 A good life hath its number of days: but a good name shall continue for ever. 17 My children, keep discipline in peace: for wisdom that is hid, and a treasure that is not seen, what profit is there in them both? 18 Better is the man that hideth his folly, than the man that hideth his wisdom. 19 Wherefore have a shame of these things I am now going to speak of. 20 For it is not good to keep all shamefacedness: and all things do not please all men in opinion. 21 Be ashamed of fornication before father and mother: and of a lie before a governor and a man in power: 22 Of an offence before a prince, and a judge: of iniquity before a congregation and a people: 23 Of injustice before a companion and friend: and in regard to the place where thou dwellest, 24 Of theft, and of the truth of God, and the covenant: of leaning with thy elbow over meat, and of deceit in giving and taking: 25 Of silence before them that salute thee: of looking upon a harlot: and of turning away thy face from thy kinsman. 26 Turn not sway thy face from thy neighbour, and of taking away a portion and not restoring. 27 Gaze not upon another man's wife, and be not inquisitive after his handmaid, and approach not her bed. 28 Be ashamed of upbraiding speeches before friends: and after thou hast given, upbraid not.
1 Repeat not the word which thou hast heard, and disclose not the thing that is secret; so shalt thou be truly without confusion, and shalt find favour before all men: be not ashamed of any of these things, and accept no person to sin thereby: 2 Of the law of the most High, and of his covenant, and of judgment to justify the ungodly: 3 Of the affair of companions and travellers, and of the gift of the inheritance of friends: 4 Of exactness of balance and weights, of getting much or little: 5 Of the corruption of buying, and of merchants, and of much correction of children, and to make the side of a wicked slave to bleed. 6 Sure keeping is good over a wicked wife. 7 Where there are many hands, shut up, and deliver all things in number, and weight: and put all in writing that thou givest out or receivest in. 8 Be not ashamed to inform the unwise and foolish, and the aged, that are judged by young men: and thou shalt be well instructed in all things, and well approved in the sight of all men living. 9 The father waketh for the daughter when no man knoweth, and the care for her taketh away his sleep, when she is young, lest she pass away the flower of her age, and when she is married, lest she should be hateful: 10 In her virginity, lest she should be corrupted, and be found with child in her father's house: and having a husband, lest she should misbehave herself, or at the least become barren. 11 Keep a sure watch over a shameless daughter: lest at any time she make thee become a laughingstock to thy enemies, and a byword in the city, and a reproach among the people, and she make thee ashamed before all the multitude. 12 Behold not everybody's beauty: and tarry not among women. 13 For from garments cometh a moth, end from a woman the iniquity of a man. 14 For better is the iniquity of a man, than a woman doing a good turn, and a woman bringing shame and reproach. 15 I will now remember the works of the Lord, and I will declare the things I have seen. By the words of the Lord are his works. 16 The sun giving light hath looked upon all things, and full of the glory of the Lord is his work. 17 Hath not the Lord made the saints to declare all his wonderful works, which the Lord Almighty hath firmly settled to be established for his glory? 18 He hath searched out the deep, and the heart of men: and considered their crafty devices. 19 For the Lord knoweth all knowledge, and hath beheld the signs of the world, he declareth the things that are past, and the things that are to come, and revealeth the traces of hidden things. 20 No thought escapeth him, and no word can hide itself from him. 21 He hath beautified the glorious works of his wisdom: and he Is from eternity to eternity, and to him nothing may be added, 22 Nor can he be diminished, and he hath no need of any counsellor. 23 O how desirable are all his works, and what we can know is but as a spark! 24 All these things live, and remain for ever, and for every use all things obey him. 25 All things are double, one against another, and he hath made nothing defective. 26 He hath established the good things of every one. And who shall be filled with beholding his glory?