Ohio University Leaf 01
Described by Ege as early 12th century Swiss, this leaf is from a New Testament with glosses by church fathers including Bede, Jerome, and Gregory. The primary script is Carolingian, with one of the glosses in a minuscule very similar to that in leaf 4. First developed under Charlemagne in the late 700s and early 800s, this style was revitalized by the English in the 11th century (Lovett 68). The gloss hands are different from both one another and from the Biblical text, and the Carolingian gloss hand has decorative brackets setting apart each section. See Denison University Leaf 01 for more information on this manuscript.
Text: 2 John 1:10 to 3 John 1:2 (recto) and 3 John 1:2-6 (verso). Glosses not yet identified.

Ohio University Leaf 01 Recto

[Transcription of the main text in the central column:]
Ave ei dixéritis. Qui enim dicit illi Ave, commúnicat opéribus ejus malígnis. Plura habens vobis scríbere, nólui per cartam et atraméntum: spero enim me futúrum apud vos, et os ad os loqui: ut gáudium vestrum plenum sit. Salútant te fílii soróris tuæ Eléctæ. Amen.
Incipit epistola johannis apostolicis iii. Sénior Gajo caríssimo, quem ego díligo in veritáte. Caríssime, de ómnibus oratió-

[2 John 1:10 to 3 John 1:2]
...God speed you. 11 For he that saith unto him, God speed you, communicateth with his wicked works. 12 Having more things to write unto you, I would not by paper and ink: for I hope that I shall be with you, and speak face to face: that your joy may be full. 13 The children of thy sister Elect salute thee. Amen.
Here begins the third epistle of John the Apostle. 1 The ancient to the dearly beloved Gaius, whom I love in truth. 2 Dearly beloved, concerning all things...

Ohio University Leaf 01 Verso

[Transcription of the main text in the central column:]
-nem fácio próspere te íngredi, et válere sicut próspere agit ánima tua. Gavísus sum valde veniéntibus frátribus, et testimónium perhibéntibus veritáti tuæ, sicut tu in veritáte ámbulas. Majórem horum non hábeo grátiam, quam ut áudiam fílios meos in veritáte ambuláre. Caríssime, fidéliter facis quidquid operáris in fratres, et hoc in peregrínos, qui testimónium reddidérunt caritáti tuæ in

[3 John 1:2-6]
...I make it my prayer that thou mayest proceed prosperously, and fare well as thy soul doth prosperously. 3 I was exceedingly glad when the brethren came and gave testimony to the truth in thee, even as thou walkest in the truth. 4 I have no greater grace than this, to hear that my children walk in truth. 5 Dearly beloved, thou dost faithfully whatever thou dost for the brethren, and that for strangers, 6 Who have given testimony to thy charity...