Ohio State University Leaf 36
This is a leaf from a French Book of Hours made in the middle of the fifteenth century. At 10.5 x 7 cm, this is the smallest of the 50 leaves in the Ege portfolios: each side contains just thirteen lines of text. These leaves were not separated easily; their inner margins are ragged, with scraps of the other half of the bifolium often visible. The rubrication and decoration/illumination remain vivid, sometimes overwhelming the fading text ink. See Denison University Leaf 36 for more information about this manuscript.
Text: Based on the leaves we have seen, this Book of Hours accords with the Use of Rome (see Leaf 36 in the Cleveland Public Library portfolio, which contains the "Dum Esset" antiphon). This leaf contains text from the Hours of the Holy Cross at Compline (recto) and the Hours of the Holy Spirit (verso).

Ohio State University Leaf 36 Recto

-turae. Corpus Christi nobile, spes vitae futurae. Conditur aromate: complentur scripturae: Iugi fit memoriae mors haec mihi curae. Has horas canonicas cum devotione. Tibi Christe recolo pia ratione: Ut qui pro me passus es amoris ardore, Sis mihi solatium, mortis in agone. Adoramus.

...tomb, Christ his body precious the hope of life to come. Embalmed it was: scriptures thus accomplished we see: Still this death to have in mind my care O let it be. These hours canonical with devotion to thee, And with godly intention O Christ we address, In the fervor of thy love that hast suffered for me, Comfortable be to me in bitter death's distress. We adore thee.

Ohio State University Leaf 36 Verso

Domine Jesu Christe.
Spiritus paraclitus nos velit iuvare, Gressus nostros regere et illuminare: Ut cum Deus venerit omnes iudicare, Nos velit ad dexteram omnes appellare. Has horas canonicas cum devotione, Tibi sancte spiritus pia ratione Dixi, ut nos visites inspiratione, Et vi-

Lord Jesus Christ.
The spirit the comforter assist us by his might: Our steps to direct and guide to clear us with his light: That when God at last shall come to be the judge of all. At his right hand he may please us joyfully to call. These hours Canonical with devotion to thee, And with godly respect O Holy Ghost I did say, That by inspiration visited we may be, In thy heavenly region...