Ohio State University Leaf 34

This leaf comes from an Italian psalter of the fifteenth century, and measures 38.5 x 28.5 cm. Ege states that it was made by Carthusian monks, making it a rare artifact of that minuscule order. The vellum is yellowed, with substantial wrinkling around the edges; the lining on the right side of the text area is especially noticeable. Black ink (showing indications of wear) is used for the primary text, and red, blue, and purple appear in the decoration. The leaf is not illuminated, but decorative details include large and small red and blue initials. The large initials have a purple interior and exterior line decoration as an accompaniment. The music at the foot of the pages was apparently added later. See Denison University Leaf 34 for more information about this manuscript.

Text: Psalms 33:1-17 (recto); Psalms 33:18-34:6 (verso).

Ohio State University Leaf 34 Recto
Ohio State University Leaf 34 Recto

Ohio State University Leaf 34 Recto

+ Ohio State University Leaf 34 Recto Transcription
+ Ohio State University Leaf 34 Recto Translation

Ohio State University Leaf 34 Verso
Ohio State University Leaf 34 Verso

Ohio State University Leaf 34 Verso

+ Ohio State University Leaf 34 Verso Transcription
+ Ohio State University Leaf 34 Verso Translation

For more information, contact Dr. Fred Porcheddu.