Ohio State University Leaf 30

This leaf comes from a French Book of Hours made in the middle of the fifteenth century. It measures 38.5 x 28 cm. The text block on both the recto and verso is bordered by a thick hedge of gilded holly and ivy, as well as flowers which Ege identifies as daisy, thistle, cornbottle, and stock. The black ink used for the main text has become less substantial over time, and there is a relative lack of rubrication of response abbreviations.

Text: This leaf contains text from the Hours of the Cross, starting at Nones and then on to Vespers.

Reconstruction Note! In Ege's original manuscript, this leaf followed what is now Leaf 30 in the University of Saskatchewan portfolio.

Ohio State University Leaf 30 Recto
Ohio State University Leaf 30 Recto

Ohio State University Leaf 30 Recto

+ Ohio State University Leaf 30 Recto Transcription
+ Ohio State University Leaf 30 Recto Translation

Ohio State University Leaf 30 Verso
Ohio State University Leaf 30 Verso

Ohio State University Leaf 30 Verso

+ Ohio State University Leaf 30 Verso Transcription
+ Ohio State University Leaf 30 Verso Translation

For more information, contact Dr. Fred Porcheddu.