Ohio University Leaf 10
This mid-thirteenth century German psalter has acquired the nickname "The Laughing Carp Psalter" due to its penwork illustrations. The decorative style involves using fish (one of the leading medieval symbols for Christ) to complete lines of text that do not reach to the right margin of the page; this maintains the aesthetic of a full page within the borders of the leaf. The leaf itself measures 19.5 x 14cm, with slightly yellowed and stained vellum, and is lined in ink. The ink used for the bulk of the text is very dark, but fades into brown in places. Blue, red, coral, orange, and white are used in the decoration, and scribal corrections are included above each line where necessary. See Denison University Leaf 10 for more information about this manuscript.
Text: Psalms 83:12-84:9 (recto) and 84:9-85:4 (verso).

Ohio University Leaf 10 Recto

grátiam et glóriam dabit Dóminus.
Non privábit bonis eos qui ámbulant in innocéntia: Dómine virtútum, beátus homo qui sperat in te.
Benedixísti, Dómine, terram tuam; avertísti captivitátem Jacob.
Remisísti iniquitátem plebis tuæ; operuísti ómnia peccáta eórum.
Mitigásti omnem iram tuam; avertísti ab ira indignatiónis tuæ.
Convérte nos, Deus salutáris noster, et avérte iram tuam a nobis.
Numquid in ætérnum irásceris nobis? aut exténdes iram tuam a generatióne in generatiónem?
Deus, tu convérsus vivificábis nos, et plebs tua lætábitur in te.
Osténde nobis, Dómine, misericórdiam tuam, et salutáre tuum da nobis.
Áudiam quid loquátur in me Dóminus Deus, quóniam loquétur pacem in plebem suam,

[Psalms 83:12-84:9]
...the Lord will give grace and glory. 13 He will not deprive of good things them that walk in innocence: O Lord of hosts, blessed is the man that trusteth in thee.
Lord, thou hast blessed thy land: thou hast turned away the captivity of Jacob. 3 Thou hast forgiven the iniquity of thy people: thou hast covered all their sins. 4 Thou hast mitigated all thy anger: thou hast turned away from the wrath of thy indignation. 5 Convert us, O God our saviour: and turn off thy anger from us. 6 Wilt thou be angry with us for ever: or wilt thou extend thy wrath from generation to generation? 7 Thou wilt turn, O God, and bring us to life: and thy people shall rejoice in thee. 8 Shew us, O Lord, thy mercy; and grant us thy salvation. 9 I will hear what the Lord God will speak in me: for he will speak peace unto his people...

Ohio University Leaf 10 Verso

et super sanctos suos, et in eos qui convertúntur ad cor.
Verúmtamen prope timéntes eum salutáre ipsíus, ut inhábitet glória in terra nostra.
Misericórdia et véritas obviavérunt sibi; justítia et pax osculátæ sunt.
Véritas de terra orta est, et justítia de cælo prospéxit.
Étenim Dóminus dabit benignitátem, et terra nostra dabit fructum suum.
Justítia ante eum ambulábit, et ponet in via gressus suos.
Inclína, Dómine, aurem tuam et exáudi me, quóniam inops et pauper sum ego.
Custódi ánimam meam, quóniam sanctus sum; salvum fac servum tuum, Deus meus, sperántem in te.
Miserére mei, Dómine, quóniam ad te clamávi tota die; lætífica ánimam servi tui,

[Psalms 84:9-85:4]
And unto his saints: and unto them that are converted to the heart. 10 Surely his salvation is near to them that fear him: that glory may dwell in our land. 11 Mercy and truth have met each other: justice and peace have kissed. 12 Truth is sprung out of the earth: and justice hath looked down from heaven. 13 For the Lord will give goodness: and our earth shall yield her fruit. 14 Justice shall walk before him: and shall set his steps in the way.
Incline thy ear, O Lord, and hear me: for I am needy and poor. 2 Preserve my soul, for I am holy: save thy servant, O my God, that trusteth in thee. 3 Have mercy on me, O Lord, for I have cried to thee all the day. 4 Give joy to the soul of thy servant...