Lima Public Library Leaf 31
This leaf is from a French Book of Hours made in the middle of the fifteenth century, and measures 18.5 x 13 cm. The marginal ivy emerges from the text block and weaves and subdivides, producing gold leaves and several kinds of colorful flowers; the ivy seems only to be located along the outer margin of each page. The arrangement of this Book of Hours may be in accord with the Use of Paris.
Text: This leaf contains text from the Office for the Dead at Matins, the Third Nocturne (in this case, all from Psalm 39).
Reconstruction Note! In Ege's original manuscript, this leaf followed what is now Leaf 31 in the Rochester Institute of Technology portfolio.

Lima Public Library Leaf 31 Recto

et intendit mihi.
Et exaudivit preces meas: et eduxit me de lacu miseriae, et de luto faecis.
Et statuit supra petram pedes meos: et direxit gressus meos.
Et immisit in os meum canticum novum: carmen Deo nostro.
Videbunt multi, et timebunt: et sperabunt in Domino.
Beatus vir, cuius est nomen Domini spes eius, et non respexit in vanitates et insanias falsas.
Multa fecisti tu Domine Deus meus mirabilia tua: et cogita-

[from Psalms 39] ...and he hath attended to me. And he heard my prayers: and brought me out of the lake of misery, and the mire of dregs. And hath set my feet upon a rock: and hath directed my steps. And he hath put a new song into my mouth: a meter unto our God. Many shall see, and shall fear: and they shall hope in our Lord. Blessed is the man, whose trust is the name of our Lord: and hath not had regard to vanities, and false madness. Thou hast done many marvelous things O Lord my God: and in thy cogitations...

Lima Public Library Leaf 31 Verso

-cionibus tuis non est qui similis sit tibi.
Annunciavi, et locutus sum: multiplicati sunt super numerum.
Sacrificium, et oblationem noluisti: aures autem perfecisti mihi.
Holocaustum et pro peccato non postulasti: tunc dixi, ecce venio.
In capite libri scriptum est de me, ut facerem voluntatem tuam: Deus meus volui, et legem tuam in medio cordis mei.
Annunciavi iustitiam in ecclesia magna: ecce labia

[continuing Psalms 39] ...there is none that may be like to thee. I have declared, and have spoken: they are multiplied above number. Sacrifice, and oblation thou wouldst not: but ears thou hast perfited to me. A whole burnt offering, and for sin thou hast not required: then said I, behold I come. In the head of the book it is written of me, that I should do thy will: my God I would, and thy law in the midst of my heart. I have declared thy justice in the great church: lo I will not stay my lips...