Lima Public Library Leaf 10

This mid-thirteenth century German psalter has acquired the nickname "The Laughing Carp Psalter" due to its penwork illustrations. The decorative style involves using fish (one of the leading medieval symbols for Christ) to complete lines of text that do not reach to the right margin of the page; this maintains the aesthetic of a full page within the borders of the leaf. The leaf itself measures 19.5 x 14cm, with slightly yellowed and stained vellum, and is lined in ink. The ink used for the bulk of the text is very dark, but fades into brown in places. Blue, red, coral, orange, and white are used in the decoration, and scribal corrections are included above each line where necessary. See Denison University Leaf 10 for more information about this manuscript.

Text: Habakkuk 3:10-16 (recto); Habakkuk 3:16-19 and Deuteronomy 32:1-2 (verso).

Lima PL 10r.JPG
Lima Leaf 10 Recto
Lima Leaf 10 Recto

Lima Public Library Leaf 10 Recto

+ Lima Leaf 10 Recto Transcription
+ Lima Leaf 10 Recto Translation

Lima PL 10v.JPG
Lima Leaf 10 Verso
Lima Leaf 10 Verso

Lima Public Library Leaf 10 Verso

+ Lima Leaf 10 Verso Transcription
+ Lima Leaf 10 Verso Translation

For more information, contact Dr. Fred Porcheddu.