Lima Public Library Leaf 05
This leaf is from an early thirteenth century French copy of St. Jerome's edition of the Bible. At 32.4 x 22.5cm, the leaf is one of the larger in the collection. The vellum is very thin, fine, and white, with only a minimum of yellowing, due to dirt rather than the quality of the vellum. Holes from both the binding and lining, which is in lead, are evident. The bulk of the text is in black ink, with decoration and highlight in both red and blue. Decorations are minimal, including a few squiggle flourishes accompanying the marginal chapter numbers, as well as book names and the beginnings of verses, and guide letters for the initials. See Denison University Leaf 05 for more infomation on this manuscript.
Text: Exodus 35:19-37:8 (recto) and 37:9-39:6 (verso).

Lima Public Library Leaf 05 Recto

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quorum usus est in ministério sanctuárii, vestes Áaron pontíficis ac filiórum ejus, ut sacerdótio fungántur mihi. Egressáque omnis multitúdo filiórum Israël de conspéctu Móysi, obtulérunt mente promptíssima atque devóta primítias Dómino, ad faciéndum opus tabernáculi testimónii. Quidquid ad cultum et ad vestes sanctas necessárium erat, viri cum muliéribus præbuérunt, armíllas et ináures, ánnulos et dextrália: omne vas áureum in donária Dómini separátum est. Si quis habébat hyacínthum, et púrpuram, coccúmque bis tinctum, byssum et pilos caprárum, pelles aríetum rubricátas, et jánthinas, argénti, ærísque metálla, obtulérunt Dómino, lignáque setim in vários usus. Sed et mulíeres doctæ, quæ néverant, dedérunt hyacínthum, púrpuram, et vermículum, ac byssum, et pilos caprárum, sponte própria cuncta tribuéntes. Príncipes vero obtulérunt lápides onýchinos, et gemmas ad superhumerále et rationále, aromatáque et óleum ad luminária concinnánda, et ad præparándum unguéntum, ac thymiáma odóris suavíssimi componéndum. Omnes viri et mulíeres mente devóta obtulérunt donária, ut fíerent ópera, quæ jússerat Dóminus per manum Móysi. Cuncti fílii Israël voluntária Dómino dedicavérunt. Dixítque Móyses ad fílios Israël: Ecce, vocávit Dóminus ex nómine Beséleel fílium Uri, fílii Hur de tribu Juda, implevítque eum spíritu Dei, sapiéntia et intelligéntia, et sciéntia et omni doctrína, ad excogitándum, et faciéndum opus in auro, et argénto, et ære, sculpendísque lapídibus, et ópere carpentário, quidquid fabre adinveníri potest, dedit in corde ejus: Oóliab quoque fílium Achisámech de tribu Dan: ambos erudívit sapiéntia, ut fáciant ópera abietárii, polymitárii, ac plumárii, de hyacíntho ac púrpura, coccóque bis tincto, et bysso, et texant ómnia, ac nova quæque repériant. XXXVI. Fecit ergo Beséleel, et Oóliab, et omnis vir sápiens, quibus dedit Dóminus sapiéntiam et intelléctum, ut scirent fabre operári quæ in usus sanctuárii necessária sunt, et quæ præcépit Dóminus. Cumque vocásset eos Móyses et omnem erudítum virum, cui déderat Dóminus sapiéntiam, et qui sponte sua obtúlerant se ad faciéndum opus, trádidit eis univérsa donária filiórum Israël. Qui cum instárent óperi, quotídie mane vota pópulus offerébat. Unde artífices veníre compúlsi, dixérunt Móysi: Plus offert pópulus quam necessárium est. Jussit ergo Móyses præcónis voce cantári: Nec vir, nec múlier quidquam ófferat ultra in ópere sanctuárii. Sicque cessátum est a munéribus offeréndis, eo quod obláta suffícerent et superabundárent. Fecerúntque omnes corde sapiéntes ad expléndum opus tabernáculi, cortínas decem de bysso retórta, et hyacíntho, et púrpura, coccóque bis tincto, ópere vário, et arte polýmita: quarum una habébat in longitúdine vigínti octo cúbitos, et in latitúdine quátuor; una mensúra erat ómnium cortinárum. Conjunxítque cortínas quinque, álteram álteri, et álias quinque sibi ínvicem copulávit. Fecit et ansas hyacínthinas in ora cortínæ uníus ex utróque látere, et in ora cortínæ altérius simíliter, ut contra se ínvicem venírent ansæ, et mútuo jungeréntur. Unde et quinquagínta fudit círculos áureos, qui mórderent cortinárum ansas, et fíeret unum tabernáculum. Fecit et saga úndecim de pilis caprárum ad operiéndum tectum tabernáculi: unum sagum in longitúdine habébat cúbitos trigínta, et in latitúd-
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-ine cúbitos quátuor: uníus mensúræ erant ómnia saga: quorum quinque junxit seórsum, et sex ália separátim. Fecítque ansas quinquagínta in ora sagi uníus, et quinquagínta in ora sagi altérius, ut sibi ínvicem jungeréntur. Et fíbulas aeneas quinquagínta, quibus necterétur tectum, ut unum pállium ex ómnibus sagis fíeret. Fecit et opertórium tabernáculi de péllibus aríetum rubricátis: aliúdque désuper velaméntum de péllibus jánthinis. Fecit et tábulas tabernáculi de lignis setim stantes. Decem cubitórum erat longitúdo tábulæ uníus: et unum ac semis cúbitum latitúdo retinébat. Binæ incastratúræ erant per síngulas tábulas, ut áltera álteri jungerétur. Sic fecit in ómnibus tabernáculi tábulis. E quibus vigínti ad plagam meridiánam erant contra austrum, cum quadragínta básibus argénteis. Duæ bases sub una tábula ponebántur ex utráque parte angulórum, ubi incastratúræ láterum in ángulis terminántur. Ad plagam quoque tabernáculi, quæ réspicit ad aquilónem, fecit vigínti tábulas, cum quadragínta básibus argénteis, duas bases per síngulas tábulas. Contra occidéntem vero, id est, ad eam partem tabernáculi quæ mare réspicit, fecit sex tábulas, et duas álias per síngulos ángulos tabernáculi retro: quæ junctæ erant a deórsum usque sursum, et in unam compáginem páriter ferebántur. Ita fecit ex utráque parte per ángulos: ut octo essent simul tábulæ, et habérent bases argénteas sédecim, binas scílicet bases sub síngulis tábulis. Fecit et vectes de lignis setim, quinque ad continéndas tábulas uníus láteris tabernáculi, et quinque álios ad altérius láteris coaptándas tábulas: et extra hos, quinque álios vectes ad occidentálem plagam tabernáculi contra mare. Fecit quoque vectem álium, qui per médias tábulas ab ángulo usque ad ángulum perveníret. Ipsa autem tabuláta deaurávit, fusis básibus eárum argénteis. Et círculos eórum fecit áureos, per quos vectes indúci possent: quos et ipsos láminis áureis opéruit. Fecit et velum de hyacíntho, et púrpura, vermículo, ac bysso retórta, ópere polymitário, várium atque distínctum: et quátuor colúmnas de lignis setim, quas cum capítibus deaurávit, fusis básibus eárum argénteis. Fecit et tentórium in intróitu tabernáculi ex hyacíntho, púrpura, vermículo, byssóque retórta, ópere plumárii: et colúmnas quinque cum capítibus suis, quas opéruit auro, basésque eárum fudit aeneas. XXXVII. Fecit autem Beséleel et arcam de lignis setim, habéntem duos semis cúbitos in longitúdine, et cúbitum ac semíssem in latitúdine, altitúdo quoque uníus cúbiti fuit et dimídii: vestivítque eam auro puríssimo intus ac foris. Et fecit illi corónam áuream per gyrum, conflans quátuor ánnulos áureos per quátuor ángulos ejus: duos ánnulos in látere uno, et duos in áltero. Vectes quoque fecit de lignis setim, quos vestívit auro, et quos misit in ánnulos, qui erant in latéribus arcæ ad portándum eam. Fecit et propitiatórium, id est, oráculum, de auro mundíssimo, duórum cubitórum et dimídii in longitúdine, et cúbiti ac semis in latitúdine. Duos étiam chérubim ex auro dúctili, quos pósuit ex utráque parte propitiatórii: cherub unum in summitáte uníus partis, et cherub álterum in summitáte partis altérius: duos chérubim in síngulis summitátibus propitiatórii,

[Exodus 35:19-37:8]
...that are to be used in the ministry of the sanctuary, the vesture of Aaron the high priest, and of his sons, to do the office of priesthood to me. 20 And all the multitude of the children of Israel going out from the presence of Moses, 21 Offered firstfruits to the Lord with a most ready and devout mind, to make the work of the tabernacle of the testimony. Whatsoever was necessary to the service, and to the holy vestments, 22 Both men and women gave bracelets and earrings, rings and tablets: every vessel of gold was set aside to be offered to the Lord. 23 If any man had violet, and purple, and scarlet twice dyed, fine linen and goats' hair, rams' skins dyed red, and violet coloured skins, 24 Metal of silver and brass, they offered it to the Lord, and setim wood for divers uses. 25 The skilful women also gave such things as they had spun, violet, purple, and scarlet, and fine linen, 26 And goats' hair, giving all of their own accord. 27 But the princes offered onyx stone, and precious stones, for the ephod and the rational, 28 And spices and oil for the lights, and for the preparing of ointment, and to make the incense of most sweet savour. 29 All both men and women with devout mind offered gifts, that the works might be done which the Lord had commanded by the hand of Moses. All the children of Israel dedicated voluntary offerings to the Lord. 30 And Moses said to the children of Israel: Behold the Lord hath called by name Beseleel the son of Uri the son of Hur of the tribe of Juda. 31 And hath filled him with the spirit of God, with wisdom and understanding and knowledge and all learning. 32 To devise and to work in gold and silver and brass, 33 And in engraving stones, and in carpenters' work. Whatsoever can be devised artificially, 34 He hath given in his heart: Ooliab also the son of Achisamech of the tribe of Dan: 35 Both of them hath he instructed with wisdom, to do carpenters' work and tapestry, and embroidery in blue and purple, and scarlet twice dyed, and fine linen, and to weave all things, and to invent all new things.
1 Beseleel, therefore, and Ooliab, and every wise man, to whom the Lord gave wisdom and understanding, to know how to work artificially, made the things that are necessary for the uses of the sanctuary, and which the Lord commanded. 2 And when Moses had called them, and every skilful man, to whom the Lord had given wisdom, and such as of their own accord had offered themselves to the making of the work, 3 He delivered all the offerings of the children of Israel unto them. And while they were earnest about the work, the people daily in the morning offered their vows. 4 Whereupon the workmen being constrained to come, 5 Said to Moses: The people offereth more than is necessary. 6 Moses therefore commanded proclamation to be made by the crier's voice: Let neither man nor woman offer any more for the work of the sanctuary. And so they ceased from offering gifts, 7 Because the things that were offered did suffice, and were too much. 8 And all the men that were wise of heart, to accomplish the work of the tabernacle, made ten curtains of twisted fine linen, and violet, and purple, and scarlet twice dyed, with varied work, and the art of embroidering: 9 The length of one curtain was twenty-eight cubits, and the breadth four: all the curtains were of the same size. 10 And he joined five curtains, one to another, and the other five he coupled one to another. 11 He made also loops of violet in the edge of one curtain on both sides, and in the edge of the other curtain in like manner, 12 That the loops might meet on against another, and might be joined each with the other. 13 Whereupon also he cast fifty rings of gold, that might catch the loops of the curtains, and they might be made one tabernacle. 14 He made also eleven curtains of goats' hair, to cover the roof of the tabernacle: 15 One curtain was thirty cubits long and four cubits broad: all the curtains were of one measure. 16 Five of which he joined apart, and the other six apart. 17 And he made fifty loops in the edge of one curtain, and fifty in the edge of another curtain, that they might be joined one to another. 18 And fifty buckles of brass wherewith the roof might be knit together, that of all the curtains there might be made one covering. 19 He made also a cover for the tabernacle of rams' skins dyed red: and another cover over that of violet skins. 20 He made also the boards of the tabernacle of setim wood standing. 21 The length of one board was ten cubits: and the breadth was one cubit and a half. 22 There were two mortises throughout every board, that one might be joined to the other. And in this manner he made for all the boards of the tabernacle. 23 Of which twenty were at the south side southward, 24 With forty sockets of silver, two sockets were put under one board on the two sides of the corners, where the mortises of the sides end in the corners. 25 At that side also of the tabernacle, that looketh toward the north, he made twenty boards. 26 With forty sockets of silver, two sockets for every board. 27 But against the west, to wit, at that side of the tabernacle, which looketh to the sea, he made six boards, 28 And two others at each corner of the tabernacle behind: 29 Which were also joined from beneath unto the top, and went together into one joint. Thus he did on both sides at the corners: 30 So there were in all eight boards and they had sixteen sockets of silver, to wit, two sockets under every board. 31 He made also bars of setim wood, five to hold together the boards of one side of the tabernacle, 32 And five others to join together the boards of the other side: and besides these, five other bars at the west side of the tabernacle towards the sea. 33 He made also another bar, that might come by the midst of the boards from corner to corner. 34 And the board works themselves he overlaid with gold, casting for them sockets of silver. And their rings he made of gold, through which the bars might be drawn: and he covered the bars themselves with plates of gold. 35 He made also a veil of violet, and purple, scarlet, and fine twisted linen, varied and distinguished with embroidery: 36 And four pillars of setim wood, which with their heads he overlaid with gold, casting for them sockets of silver. 37 He made also a hanging in the entry of the tabernacle of violet, purple, scarlet, and fine twisted linen, with the work of an embroiderer. 38 And five pillars with their heads, which he covered with gold, and their sockets he cast of brass.
1 And Beseleel made also the ark of setim wood: it was two cubits and a half in length, and a cubit and a half in breadth, and the height was of one cubit and a half: and he overlaid it with the purest gold within and without. 2 And he made to it a crown of gold round about, 3 Casting four rings of gold at the four corners thereof: two rings in one side, and two in the other. 4 And he made bars of setim wood, which he overlaid with gold, 5 And he put them into the rings that were at the sides of the ark to carry it. 6 He made also the propitiatory, that is, the oracle, of the purest gold, two cubits and a half in length, and a cubit and a half in breadth. 7 Two cherubims also of beaten gold, which he set on the two sides of the propitiatory: 8 One cherub in the top of one side, and the other cherub in the top of the other side: two cherubims at the two ends of the propitiatory...

Lima Public Library Leaf 05 Verso

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extendéntes alas, et tegéntes propitiatórium, seque mútuo et illud respiciéntes. Fecit et mensam de lignis setim in longitúdine duórum cubitórum, et in latitúdine uníus cúbiti, quæ habébat in altitúdine cúbitum ac semíssem. Circumdedítque eam auro mundíssimo, et fecit illi lábium áureum per gyrum, ipsíque lábio corónam áuream interrásilem quátuor digitórum, et super eámdem, álteram corónam áuream. Fudit et quátuor círculos áureos, quos pósuit in quátuor ángulis per síngulos pedes mensæ contra corónam: misítque in eos vectes, ut possit mensa portári. Ipsos quoque vectes fecit de lignis setim, et circúmdedit eos auro. Et vasa ad divérsos usus mensæ, acetábula, phíalas, et cyáthos, et thuríbula, ex auro puro, in quibus offerénda sunt libámina. Fecit et candelábrum dúctile de auro mundíssimo, de cujus vecte cálami, scyphi, sphærulaeque, ac lília procedébant: sex in utróque látere, tres cálami ex parte una, et tres ex áltera: tres scyphi in nucis modum per cálamos síngulos, sphærulaeque simul et lília: et tres scyphi instar nucis in cálamo áltero, sphærulaeque simul et lília. Æquum erat opus sex calamórum, qui procedébant de stípite candelábri. In ipso autem vecte erant quátuor scyphi in nucis modum, sphærulaeque per síngulos simul et lília: et sphaerulæ sub duóbus cálamis per loca tria, qui simul sex fiunt cálami procedéntes de vecte uno. Et sphaerulæ ígitur, et cálami ex ipso erant, univérsa ductília ex auro puríssimo. Fecit et lucérnas septem cum emunctóriis suis, et vasa ubi ea, quæ emúncta sunt, extinguántur, de auro mundíssimo. Taléntum auri appendébat candelábrum cum ómnibus vasis suis. Fecit et altáre thymiamátis de lignis setim, per quadrum síngulos habens cúbitos, et in altitúdine duos: e cujus ángulis procedébant córnua. Vestivítque illud auro puríssimo cum cratícula ac pariétibus et córnibus. Fecítque ei corónam auréolam per gyrum, et duos ánnulos áureos sub coróna per síngula látera, ut mittántur in eos vectes, et possit altáre portári. Ipsos autem vectes fecit de lignis setim, et opéruit láminis áureis. Compósuit et óleum ad sanctificatiónis unguéntum, et thymiáma de aromátibus mundíssimis ópere pigmentárii. XXXVIII. Fecit et altáre holocáusti de lignis setim, quinque cubitórum per quadrum, et trium in altitúdine: cujus córnua de ángulis procedébant, operuítque illum láminis aeneis. Et in usus ejus parávit ex ære vasa divérsa, lebétes, fórcipes, fuscínulas, úncinos, et ígnium receptácula. Craticulámque ejus in modum retis fecit aeneam, et subter eam in altáris médio árulam, fusis quátuor ánnulis per tótidem retiáculi summitátes, ad immitténdos vectes ad portándum: quos et ipsos fecit de lignis setim, et opéruit láminis aeneis: induxítque in círculos, qui in latéribus altáris eminébant. Ipsum autem altáre non erat sólidum, sed cavum ex tábulis, et intus vácuum. Fecit et labrum aeneum cum basi sua de spéculis mulíerum, quæ excubábant in óstio tabernáculi. Fecit et átrium, in cujus austráli plaga erant tentória de bysso retórta, cubitórum centum, co-
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-lúmnæ aeneæ vigínti cum básibus suis, cápita columnárum, et tota óperis cælatúra, argéntea. Æque ad septentrionálem plagam tentória colúmnæ, basésque et cápita columnárum ejúsdem mensúræ, et óperis ac metálli, erant. In ea vero plaga, quæ ad occidéntem réspicit, fuérunt tentória cubitórum quinquagínta, colúmnæ decem cum básibus suis aeneæ, et cápita columnárum, et tota óperis cælatúra, argéntea. Porro contra oriéntem quinquagínta cubitórum parávit tentória: e quibus, quíndecim cúbitos columnárum trium, cum básibus suis, unum tenébat latus: et in parte áltera (quia inter utráque intróitum tabernáculi fecit) quíndecim æque cubitórum erant tentória, columnaeque tres, et bases tótidem. Cuncta átrii tentória byssus retórta texúerat. Bases columnárum fúere aeneæ, cápita autem eárum cum cunctis cælatúris suis argéntea: sed et ipsas colúmnas átrii vestívit argénto. Et in intróitu ejus ópere plumário fecit tentórium ex hyacíntho, púrpura, vermículo, ac bysso retórta, quod habébat vigínti cúbitos in longitúdine, altitúdo vero quinque cubitórum erat juxta mensúram, quam cuncta átrii tentória habébant. Colúmnæ autem in ingréssu fúere quátuor cum básibus aeneis, capitáque eárum et cælatúræ argénteæ. Paxíllos quoque tabernáculi et átrii per gyrum fecit aeneos. Hæc sunt instruménta tabernáculi testimónii, quæ enumeráta sunt juxta præcéptum Móysi in cæremóniis Levitárum per manum Ithámar fílii Áaron sacerdótis: quæ Beséleel fílius Uri fílii Hur de tribu Juda, Dómino per Móysen jubénte, compléverat, juncto sibi sócio Oóliab fílio Achisámech de tribu Dan: qui et ipse ártifex lignórum egrégius fuit, et polymitárius atque plumárius ex hyacíntho, púrpura, vermículo et bysso. Omne aurum quod expénsum est in ópere sanctuárii, et quod oblátum est in donáriis, vigínti novem talentórum fuit, et septingentórum trigínta siclórum ad mensúram sanctuárii. Oblátum est autem ab his qui transiérunt ad númerum a vigínti annis et supra, de sexcéntis tribus míllibus et quingéntis quinquagínta armatórum. Fuérunt prætérea centum talénta argénti e quibus conflátæ sunt bases sanctuárii, et intróitus, ubi velum pendet. Centum bases factæ sunt de taléntis centum, síngulis taléntis per bases síngulas supputátis. De mille autem septingéntis et septuagínta quinque, fecit cápita columnárum, quas et ipsas vestívit argénto. Æris quoque obláta sunt talénta septuagínta duo míllia, et quadringénti supra sicli, ex quibus fusæ sunt bases in intróitu tabernáculi testimónii, et altáre aeneum cum cratícula sua, omniáque vasa quæ ad usum ejus pértinent, et bases átrii tam in circúitu quam in ingréssu ejus, et paxílli tabernáculi atque átrii per gyrum. XXXIX. De hyacíntho vero et púrpura, vermículo ac bysso, fecit vestes, quibus induerétur Áaron quando ministrábat in sanctis, sicut præcépit Dóminus Móysi. Fecit ígitur superhumerále de auro, hyacíntho, et púrpura, coccóque bis tincto, et bysso retórta, ópere polymitário: incidítque brácteas áureas, et extenuávit in fila, ut possent tórqueri cum priórum colórum subtégmine, duásque oras sibi ínvicem copulátas in utróque látere summitátum, et bálteum ex eísdem colóribus, sicut præcéperat Dóminus Móysi. Parávit et duos lápides onýchinos, astríctos et inclúsos auro, et

[Exodus 37:9-39:6]
...spreading their wings, and covering the propitiatory, and looking one towards the other, and towards it. 10 He made also the table of setim wood, in length two cubits, and in breadth one cubit, and in height it was a cubit and a half. 11 And he overlaid it with the finest gold, and he made to it a golden ledge round about. 12 And to the ledge itself he made a polished crown of gold, of four fingers' breadth, and upon the same another golden crown. 13 And he cast four rings of gold, which he put in the four corners at each foot of the table, 14 Over against the crown: and he put the bars into them, that the table might be carried. 15 And the bars also themselves he made of setim wood, and overlaid them with gold, 16 And the vessels for the divers uses of the table, dishes, bowls, and cups, and censers of pure gold, wherein the libations are to be offered. 17 He made also the candlestick of beaten work of the finest gold. From the shaft whereof its branches, its cups, and bowls, and lilies came out: 18 Six on the two sides: three branches on one side, and three on the other. 19 Three cups in manner of a nut on each branch, and bowls withal and lilies; and three cups of the fashion of a nut in another branch, and bowls withal and lilies. The work of the six branches that went out from the shaft of the candlestick was equal. 20 And in the shaft itself were four cups after the manner of a nut, and bowls withal at every one, and lilies: 21 And bowls under two branches in three places, which together make six branches going out from one shaft. 22 So both the bowls, and the branches were of the same, all beaten work of the purest gold. 23 He made also the seven lamps with their snuffers, and the vessels where the snuffings were to be put out, of the purest gold. 24 The candlestick with all the vessels thereof weighed a talent of gold. 25 He made also the altar of incense of setim wood, being a cubit on every side foursquare, and in height two cubits: from the corners of which went out horns. 26 And he overlaid it with the purest gold, with its grate and the sides, and the horns. 27 And he made to it a crown of gold round about, and two golden rings under the crown at each side, that the bars might be put into them, and the altar be carried. 28 And the bars themselves he made also of setim wood, and overlaid them with plates of gold. 29 He compounded also the oil for the ointment of sanctification, and incense of the purest spices, according to the work of a perfumer.
1 And he made, of violet and purple, scarlet and fine linen, the vestments for Aaron to wear when he ministered in the holy places, as the Lord commanded Moses. 2 So he made an ephod of gold, violet, and purple, and scarlet twice dyed, and fine twisted linen. 3 With embroidered work: and he cut thin plates of gold, and drew them small into threads, that they might be twisted with the woof of the aforesaid colours, 4 And two borders coupled one to the other in the top on either side, 5 And a girdle of the same colours, as the Lord had commanded Moses. 6 He prepared also two onyx stones, fast set and closed in gold, and...
1 He made also the altar of holocaust of setim wood, five cubits square, and three in height: 2 The horns whereof went out from the corners, and he overlaid it with plates of brass. 3 And for the uses thereof, he prepared divers vessels of brass, cauldrons, tongs, fleshhooks, pothooks, and firepans. 4 And he made the grate thereof of brass, in manner of a net, and under it in the midst of the altar a hearth, 5 Casting four rings at the four ends of the net at the top, to put in bars to carry it. 6 And he made the bars of setim wood, and overlaid them with plates of brass: 7 And he drew them through the rings that stood out in the sides of the altar. And the altar itself was not solid, but hollow, of boards, and empty within. 8 He made also the laver of brass, with the foot thereof, of the mirrors of the women that watched at the door of the tabernacle. 9 He made also the court, in the south side whereof were hangings of fine twisted linen, of a hundred cubits, 10 Twenty pillars of brass with their sockets, the heads of the pillars, and the whole graving of the work, of silver. 11 In like manner at the north side the hangings, the pillars, and the sockets and heads of the pillars were of the same measure, and work and metal. 12 But on that side that looketh to the west, there were hangings of fifty cubits, ten pillars of brass with their sockets, and the heads of the pillars, and all the graving of the work, of silver. 13 Moreover towards the east he prepared hangings of fifty cubits: 14 Fifteen cubits of which were on one side with three pillars, and their sockets: 15 And on the other side (for between the two he made the entry of the tabernacle) there were hangings equally of fifteen cubits, and three pillars, and as many sockets. 16 All the hangings of the court were woven with twisted linen. 17 The sockets of the pillars were of brass, and their heads with all their gravings of silver: and he overlaid the pillars of the court also with silver. 18 And he made in the entry thereof an embroidered hanging of violet, purple, scarlet, and fine twisted linen, that was twenty cubits long, and five cubits high according to the measure of all the hangings of the court. 19 And the pillars in the entry were four with sockets of brass, and their heads and gravings of silver. 20 The pins also of the tabernacle and of the court round about he made of brass. 21 These are the instruments of the tabernacle of the testimony, which were counted according to the commandment of Moses, in the ceremonies of the Levites, by the hand of Ithamar son of Aaron the priest: 22 Which Beseleel the son of Uri the son of Hur of the tribe of Juda had made as the Lord commanded by Moses, 23 Having for his companion Ooliab the son of Achisamech of the tribe of Dan: who also was an excellent artificer in wood, and worker in tapestry and embroidery in violet, purple, scarlet, and fine linen. 24 All the gold that was spent in the work of the sanctuary, and that was offered in gifts was nine and twenty talents, and seven hundred and thirty sicles according to the standard of the sanctuary. 25 And it was offered by them that went to be numbered, from twenty years old and upwards, of six hundred and three thousand five hundred and fifty men able to bear arms. 26 There were moreover a hundred talents of silver, whereof were cast the sockets of the sanctuary, and of the entry where the veil hangeth. 27 A hundred sockets were made of a hundred talents, one talent being reckoned for every socket. 28 And of the thousand seven hundred and seventy-five he made the heads of the pillars, which also he overlaid with silver. 29 And there were offered of brass also seventy-two thousand talents, and four hundred sicles besides. 30 Of which were cast the sockets in the entry of the tabernacle of the testimony, and the altar of brass with the grate thereof, and all the vessels that belong to the use thereof. 31 And the sockets of the court as well round about as in the entry thereof, and the pins of the tabernacle and of the court round about.