Kenyon College Leaf 31
This leaf is from a French Book of Hours made in the middle of the fifteenth century, and measures 18.5 x 13 cm. The marginal ivy emerges from the text block and weaves and subdivides, producing gold leaves and several kinds of colorful flowers; the ivy seems only to be located along the outer margin of each page. The arrangement of this Book of Hours may be in accord with the Use of Paris.
Text: This leaf contains text from the Office for the Dead at Vespers, including Psalms 137 and the Song of the Blessed Virgin Mary from Luke 1.
Reconstruction Note! In Ege's original manuscript, this leaf was (probably) followed by what is now Leaf 31 in the University of Saskatchewan portfolio (pending inspection of the recto of the latter).

Kenyon College Leaf 31 Recto

Si ambulavero in medio tribulationis, vivificabis me: et super iram inimicorum meorum extendisti manum tuam, et salvum me fecit dextera tua.
Dominus retribuet pro me, Domine misericordia tua in saeculum: opera manuum tuarum ne despicias.
Requiem eternam. Ant. Opera manuum tuarum Domine ne despicias. Ant. Qui Lazarum. Psalmus.
Magnificat: anima mea Dominum.
Et exultavit spiritus meus:

[from Psalms 137] If I shall walk in the midst of tribulation, thou wilt quicken me: and upon the wrath of mine enemies thou hast extended thy hand, and thy right hand hath saved me. Our Lord will repay for me, O Lord thy mercy is forever: despise not the works of thy hands. Give them eternal rest. Ant. The works of thy hands despise not O Lord. Ant. Thou who didst Lazarus. Psalm.
[from Luke 1] My soul doth magnify our Lord. And my spirit hath rejoiced...

Kenyon College Leaf 31 Verso

in Deo salutari meo.
Quia respexit humilitatem ancillae suae: ecce enim ex hoc beatam me dicent omnes generationes.
Quia fecit mihi magna, qui potens est: et sanctum nomen eius.
Et misericordia eius, a progenie et progenies: timentibus eum.
Fecit potentiam in brachio suo: dispersit superbos mente cordis sui.
Deposuit potentes de sede: et exaltavit humiles.
Esurientes implevit bonis: et divites dimisit inanes.

[continuing Luke 1] God my saviour. Because he hath regarded the humility of his handmaid: for behold from henceforth all generations shall call me blessed. Because he that is mighty, hath done great things to me: and holy is his name. And his mercy from generation unto generations: to them that fear him. He hath shewed might in his arm: he hath dispersed the proud in the conceit of their heart. He hath deposed the mighty from their seat: and hath exalted the humble.