Kenyon College Leaf 08

This leaf is from a 13th century gradual, and measures 18 x 12cm. See Denison University Leaf 08 for more information about this manuscript.

Text: Unidentified; possibly for Maundy Thursday. The recto contains text from Psalms 48 ("Audite hec...") and 66 ("Deus misereatur..."); the verso contains text from Psalms 23 ("Elevamini...") and 29 ("Exaltabo te...").

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Kenyon Leaf 08 Recto
Kenyon Leaf 08 Recto

Kenyon College Leaf 08 Recto

+ Kenyon Leaf 08 Recto Transcription

-sit capillus suis: et domus impleta est ex odore unguenti.

V. Audite hec omnes gentes; auribus percipite omnes qui habitatis orbem. Maria ergo.

R. Postquam surrexit Dominus a cena, misit aquam in pelvim, et cepit lavare pedes discipulorum; hoc exemplum reliquit suis.

V. Deus misereatur nostri, et benedicat nobis: illuminet vultum suum super

+ Kenyon Leaf 08 Recto Translation

A translation of this leaf is currently unavailable.

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Kenyon Leaf 08 Verso
Kenyon Leaf 08 Verso

Kenyon College Leaf 08 Verso

+ Kenyon Leaf 08 Verso Transcription

nos, et misereatur nostri. Post quam.

[3 lines of rubrication untranscribed.]

Elevamini porte eternales; et introibit rex glorie.

Domine abstraxisti ab inferis animam meam.

Exaltabo te domine quoniam suscepisti me alleluya alleluya.

Ihesu bone tibi agimus gracias qui nos morte redentisti perpetua.

[3 lines of rubrication untranscribed.]

+ Kenyon Leaf 08 Verso Translation

A translation of this leaf is currently unavailable.

For more information, contact Dr. Fred Porcheddu.