Kent State University Leaf 44
This leaf is from a German Bible made in the later fifteenth century; as Ege notes, it was made about 60 years after the invention of printing by movable type. The pages measure 41 x 28 cm, and the vellum is slightly yellowed and thick, bending easily. There is only vertical evidence of lining, which is done in red; the bulk of the text is in dark brown with red decoration. A singular feature is the significant repair to the upper inside corner of each leaf--i.e., toward the binding, not on the outer edge. See Denison University Leaf 44 for more information about this manuscript.
Text: 2 Chronicles 18:25-19:10 (recto) and 19:10-20:15 (verso).

Kent State University Leaf 44 Recto

[column A]
-mon príncipem civitátis, et ad Joas fílium Ámelech. Et dicétis: Hæc dicit rex: Míttite hunc in cárcerem, et date ei panis módicum, et aquæ pauxíllum, donec revértar in pace. Dixítque Michǽas: Si revérsus fúeris in pace, non est locútus Dóminus in me. Et ait: Audíte, omnes pópuli. Ígitur ascendérunt rex Ísraël et Jósaphat rex Juda in Ramoth Gálaad. Dixítque rex Ísraël ad Jósaphat: Mutábo hábitum, et sic ad pugnam vadam: tu autem indúere véstibus tuis. Mutatóque rex Ísraël hábitu, venit ad bellum. Rex autem Sýriæ præcéperat dúcibus equitátus sui, dicens: Ne pugnétis contra mínimum aut contra máximum, nisi contra solum regem Ísraël. Ítaque cum vidíssent príncipes equitátus Jósaphat, dixérunt: Rex Ísraël est iste. Et circumdedérunt eum dimicántes: at ille clamávit ad Dóminum, et auxiliátus est ei, atque avértit eos ab illo. Cum enim vidíssent duces equitátus quod non esset rex Ísraël, reliquérunt eum. Áccidit autem ut unus e pópulo sagíttam in incértum jáceret, et percúteret regem Ísraël inter cervícem et scápulas. At ille áurigæ suo ait: Convérte manum tuam, et educ me de ácie, quia vulnerátus sum. Et fínita est pugna in die illo: porro rex Ísraël stabat in curru suo contra Syros usque ad vésperam, et mórtuus est occidénte sole.
[3 lines untranscribed.]
[column B]
[1 line untranscribed.]
Revérsus est autem Jósaphat rex Juda in domum suam pacífice in Jerúsalem. Cui occúrrit Jehu fílius Henáni videns, et ait ad eum: Ímpio præbes auxílium, et his qui odérunt Dóminum amicítia júngeris, et idcírco iram quidem Dómini merebáris: sed bona ópera invénta sunt in te, eo quod abstúleris lucos de terra Juda, et præparáveris cor tuum ut requíreres Dóminum Deum patrum tuórum. Habitávit ergo Jósaphat in Jerúsalem, rursúmque egréssus est ad pópulum de Bersabée usque ad montem Éphraim, et revocávit eos ad Dóminum Deum patrum suórum. Constituítque júdices terræ in cunctis civitátibus Juda munítis per síngula loca, et præcípiens judícibus: Vidéte, ait, quid faciátis: non enim hóminis exercétis judícium, sed Dómini: et quodcúmque judicavéritis, in vos redundábit. Sit timor Dómini vobíscum, et cum diligéntia cuncta fácite: non est enim apud Dóminum Deum nostrum iníquitas, nec personárum accéptio, nec cúpido múnerum. In Jerúsalem quoque constítuit Jósaphat Levítas, et sacerdótes, et príncipes familiárum ex Ísraël, ut judícium et causam Dómini judicárent habitatóribus ejus. Præcepítque eis, dicens: Sic agétis in timóre Dómini fidéliter et corde perfécto. Omnem causam quæ vénerit ad vos fratrum vestrórum, qui hábitant in úrbibus suis inter cognatiónem et cognatiónem, ubicúmque quǽstio est de lege, de man-

[2 Chronicles 18:25-19:10, here called Paralipomenon]
...Amon the governor of the city, and to Joas the son of Amelech, 26 And say: Thus saith the king: Put this fellow in prison, and give him bread and water in a small quantity till I return in peace. 27 And Micheas said: If thou return in peace, the Lord hath not spoken by me. And he said: Hear, all ye people. 28 So the king of Israel and Josaphat king of Juda went up to Ramoth Galaad. 29 And the king of Israel said to Josaphat: I will change my dress, and so I will go to the battle, but put thou on thy own garments. And the king of Israel having changed his dress, went to the battle. 30 Now the king of Syria had commanded the captains of his cavalry, saying: Fight ye not with small, or great, but with the king of Israel only. 31 So when the captains of the cavalry saw Josaphat, they said: This is the king of Israel. And they surrounded him to attack him: but he cried to the Lord, and he helped him, and turned them away from him. 32 For when the captains of the cavalry saw, that he was not the king of Israel, they left him. 33 And it happened that one of the people shot an arrow at a venture, and struck the king of Israel between the neck and the shoulders, and he said to his chariot man: Turn thy hand, and carry me out of the battle, for I am wounded. 34 And the fight was ended that day: but the king of Israel stood in his chariot against the Syrians until the evening, and died at the sunset.
[4 lines untranscribed.]
1 And Josaphat king of Juda returned to his house in peace to Jerusalem. 2 And Jehu the son of Hanani the seer met him, and said to him: Thou helpest the ungodly, and thou art joined in friendship with them that hate the Lord, and therefore thou didst deserve indeed the wrath of the Lord: 3 But good works are found in thee, because thou hast taken away the groves out of the land of Juda, and hast prepared thy heart to seek the Lord the God of thy fathers. 4 And Josaphat dwelt at Jerusalem: and he went out again to the people from Bersabee to mount Ephraim, and brought them back to the Lord the God of their fathers. 5 And he set judges of the land in all the fenced cities of Juda, in every place. 6 And charging the judges, he said: Take heed what you do: for you exercise not the judgment of man, but of the Lord: and whatsoever you judge, it shall redound to you. 7 Let the fear of the Lord be with you, and do all things with diligence: for there is no iniquity with the Lord our God, nor respect of persons, nor desire of gifts. 8 In Jerusalem also Josaphat appointed Levites, and priests and chiefs of the families of Israel, to judge the judgment and the cause of the Lord for the inhabitants thereof. 9 And he charged them, saying: Thus shall you do in the fear of the Lord faithfully, and with a perfect heart. 10 Every cause that shall come to you of your brethren, that dwell in their cities, between kindred and kindred, wheresoever there is question concerning the law, the commandment...

Kent State University Leaf 44 Verso

[column A]
-dato de cæremóniis, de justificatiónibus: osténdite eis, ut non peccent in Dóminum, et ne véniat ira super vos et super fratres vestros: sic ergo agéntes non peccábitis. Amárias autem sacérdos et póntifex vester in his quæ ad Deum pértinent, præsidébit: porro Zabádias fílius Ísmahel, qui est dux in domo Juda, super ea ópera erit quæ ad regis offícium pértinent: habetísque magístros Levítas coram vobis. Confortámini, et ágite diligénter, et erit Dóminus vobíscum in bonis.
[5 lines untranscribed.]
Post hæc congregáti sunt fílii Moab et fílii Ammon, et cum eis de Ammónitis, ad Jósaphat, ut pugnárent contra eum. Venerúntque núntii, et indicavérunt Jósaphat, dicéntes: Venit contra te multitúdo magna de his locis quæ trans mare sunt, et de Sýria: et ecce consístunt in Asasonthámar, quæ est Engáddi. Jósaphat autem timóre pertérritus, totum se cóntulit ad rogándum Dóminum, et prædicávit jejúnium univérso Juda. Congregatúsque est Judas ad deprecándum Dóminum: sed et omnes de úrbibus suis venérunt ad obsecrándum eum. Cumque stetísset Jósaphat in médio cœtu Juda et Jerúsalem, in domo Dómini ante átrium novum, ait: Dómine Deus patrum
[column B]
nostrórum, tu es Deus in cælo, et domináris cunctis regnis géntium: in manu tua est fortitúdo et poténtia, nec quisquam tibi potest resístere. Nonne tu, Deus noster, interfecísti omnes habitatóres terræ hujus coram pópulo tuo Israël, et dedísti eam sémini Ábraham amíci tui in sempitérnum? Habitaverúntque in ea, et exstruxérunt in illa sanctuárium nómini tuo, dicéntes: Si irrúerint super nos mala, gládius judícii, pestiléntia, et fames, stábimus coram domo hac in conspéctu tuo, in qua invocátum est nomen tuum: et clamábimus ad te in tribulatiónibus nostris, et exáudies, salvósque fácies. Nunc ígitur, ecce fílii Ammon, et Moab, et mons Seir, per quos non concessísti Israël ut transírent quando egrediebántur de Ægýpto, sed declinavérunt ab eis, et non interfecérunt illos, e contrário agunt, et nitúntur ejícere nos de possessióne quam tradidísti nobis. Deus noster, ergo non judicábis eos? in nobis quidem non est tanta fortitúdo, ut possímus huic multitúdini resístere, quæ írruit super nos. Sed cum ignorémus quid ágere debeámus, hoc solum habémus resídui, ut óculos nostros dirigámus ad te. Omnis vero Juda stabat coram Dómino cum párvulis, et uxóribus, et líberis suis. Erat autem Jaháziel fílius Zacharíæ fílii Banaíæ fílii Jéhiel fílii Mathániæ, Levítes de fíliis Asaph, super quem factus est spíritus Dómini, in médio turbæ, et ait: Atténdite, omnis Juda, et qui habitátis Jerúsalem, et tu, rex Jósaphat

[2 Chronicles 19:10-20:15, here called Paralipomenon]
...the ceremonies, the justifications: shew it them, that they may not sin against the Lord, and that wrath may not come upon you and your brethren: and so doing you shall not sin. 11 And Amarias the priest your high priest shell be chief in the things which regard God: and Zabadias the son of Ismahel, who is ruler in the house of Juda, shall be over those matters which belong to the king's office: and you have before you the Levites for masters, take courage and do diligently, and the Lord will be with you in good things.
[5 lines untranscribed.]
1 After this the children of Moab, and the children of Ammon, and with them of the Ammonites, were gathered together to fight against Josaphat. 2 And there came messengers, and told Josaphat, saying: There cometh a great multitude against thee from beyond the sea, and out of Syria, and behold they are in Asasonthamar, which is Engaddi. 3 And Josaphat being seized with fear betook himself wholly to pray to the Lord, and he proclaimed a fast for all Juda. 4 And Juda gathered themselves together to pray to the Lord: and all came out of their cities to make supplication to him. 5 And Josaphat stood in the midst of the assembly of Juda, and Jerusalem, in the house of the Lord before the new court, 6 And said: O Lord God of our fathers, thou art God in heaven, and rulest over all the kingdoms and nations, in thy hand is strength and power, and no one can resist thee. 7 Didst not thou our God kill all the inhabitants of this land before thy people Israel, and gavest it to the seed of Abraham thy friend for ever? 8 And they dwelt in it, and built in it a sanctuary to thy name, saying: 9 If evils fall upon us, the sword of judgment, or pestilence, or famine, we will stand in thy presence before this house, in which thy name is called upon: and we will cry to thee in our afflictions, and thou wilt hear, and save us. 10 Now therefore behold the children of Ammon, and of Moab, and mount Seir, through whose lands thou didst not allow Israel to pass, when they came out of Egypt, but they turned aside from them, and slew them not, 11 Do the contrary, and endeavour to cast us out of the possession which thou hast delivered to us. 12 O our God, wilt thou not then judge them? as for us we have not strength enough, to be able to resist this multitude, which cometh violently upon us. But as we know not what to do, we can only turn our eyes to thee. 13 And all Juda stood before the Lord with their little ones, and their wives, and their children. 14 And Jahaziel the son of Zacharias, the son of Banaias, the son of Jehiel, the son of Mathanias, a Levite of the sons of Asaph, was there, upon whom the spirit of the Lord came in the midst of the multitude, 15 And he said: Attend ye, all Juda, and you that dwell in Jerusalem, and thou king Josaphat...