Cleveland Public Library Leaf 48
This leaf is from a Dutch Book of Hours from the late fifteenth century. It measures 17.5 x 12.5 cm. Compared to the other specimens of fifteenth-century Books of Hours in the portfolios, this one contains highly "itemized" pages: the red ink used for the rubrications sharply contrasts with the brown ink; several 1- or 2-line initials rendered in gold on a background of blue or red bring light into the text block of most leaves; and many lesser first letters are filled with yellow. Despite this lavish plan, all leaves from this manuscript show evidence of problematic adherence of the gold leaf, and/or incomplete decoration or text. See Denison University Leaf 48 for more information about this manuscript.
Text: This leaf contains text from the Office for the Dead at Matins, the Second Nocturne (specifically, from Psalms 24).
Reconstruction Note! In Ege's original manuscript, this leaf preceded what is now Leaf 48 in the Ohio University portfolio.

Cleveland Public Library Leaf 48 Recto

-vitae meae.
Et ut inhabitem in domo Domini: in longitudinem dierum. Requiem. Ant: In loco pascuae ibi me collocavit. Ant: Delicta. Psalmus.
Ad te Domine levavi animam meam: Deus meus in te confido, non erubescam.
Neque irrideant me inimici mei: etenim universi qui sustinent te, non confundentur.
Confundantur omnes iniqua agentes: supervacue.
Vias tuas Domine demonstra mihi: et semitas tuas edoce me.
Dirige me in veritate tua, et doce me: quia tu es Deus salvator meus, et te sustinui tota die.
Reminiscere miserationum tuarum, Domine: et misericordiarum tuarum, quae a saeculo sunt.
Delicta iuventutis meae: et ignorantias meas ne memineris.

[Psalms 22] life. And that I may dwell in the house of our Lord for length of days. Eternal rest. Ant: In place of pasture there hath he placed me. Ant: The offences. Psalm.
[Psalms 24] To thee O Lord have I lifted up my soul: my God in thee I put my confidence, let me not be ashamed. Neither let mine enemies scorn me: for all that expect thee, shall not be confounded. Let all be confounded that do unjust things: in vain. Lord shew me thy ways: and teach me thy paths. Direct me in thy truth, and teach me: because thou art God my saviour, and thee have I expected all the day. Remember O Lord thy tender mercies: and thy pities, that are from the beginning of the world. The sins of my youth: and my ignorance do not remember. According...

Cleveland Public Library Leaf 48 Verso

-cundum misericordiam tuam memento mei tu: propter bonitatem tuam Domine.
Dulcis, et rectus Dominus: propter hoc legem dabit delinquentibus in via.
Diriget mansuetos in iudicio: docebit mites vias suas.
Universae viae Domini misericordia et veritas: requirentibus testamentum eius, et testimonia eius.
Propter nomen tuum Domine et propitiaberis peccato meo: multum est enim.
Quis est homo, qui timet Dominum? legem statuet ei in via, quam elegit.
Anima eius in bonis demorabitur: et semen eius hereditabit terram.
Firmamentum est Dominus timentibus eum: et testamentum ipsius ut manifestetur illis.
Oculi mei semper ad Dominum: quoniam ipse evellet de laqueo pedes meos.
Respice in me, et miserere mei:

[continues Psalm 24] According to thy mercy remember thou me: for thy goodness O Lord. Our Lord is sweet, and righteous: for this cause he will give a law to them that sin in the way. He will direct the mild in judgment: he will teach the meek his ways. All the ways of our Lord be mercy, and truth: to them that seek after his testament, and his testimonies. For thy name O Lord shalt be merciful to my sin: for it is much. Who is the man, that feareth our Lord: he appointeth him a law in the way, that he hath chosen. His soul shall abide in good things: and his seed shall inherit the land. Our Lord is a firm stay to them that fear him: and his testament that it may be made manifest unto them. Mine eyes are always to our Lord: because he will pluck my feet out of the snare. Have respect to me, and have mercy on me: