Cleveland Public Library Leaf 25
Otto Ege identifies this leaf as coming from a Psalter made in France in the late fourteenth century, but it seems more likely to have come from a Book of Hours. One reason for this suspicion is that some of the leaves from this manuscript contain text in French--this is one of only a few manuscripts in the Ege portfolio not entirely in Latin. The vellum measures 18 x 12 cm and is thick and dirty (Ege speculates it may have been exposed to dampness); it has been cut or torn across the top edge. The lining is done in ink, with the primary text in brown and blue, orange, and white in the decoration. There are large illuminated initials with painted blocks. In the left margin on both sides is a large gold and blue bar with pointed ivy, and the decoration bleeds through to the opposite side of the leaf. See Denison University Leaf 25 for more information about this manuscript.
Text: The middle of the 15 Joys of the Virgin, in Old French.
Reconstruction Note! In Ege's original manuscript, this leaf followed what is now Leaf 25 in the Cincinnati Public Library portfolio. One leaf separated the Cleveland leaf from what is now Leaf 25 in the Denison University portfolio, which nearly concludes the sequence of the 15 Joys.

Cleveland Public Library Leaf 25 Recto

E tres douce ^dame^ pour icelle grant ioie que vous eustes quant vous alates a la montaigne & sainte Elizabeth vostre cousine vous dist que vous estiez benoiste sus toutes fames. & le fruit de vostre ventre estoit benoist. Douce dame priez ce benoist fruit qu'il me veille resazier. Ave Maria.
E tres douce dame pour icelle grant ioie que vous eustes quant vous le sentistes en vos dous flans [ ]

A translation of this leaf is currently unavailable.

Cleveland Public Library Leaf 25 Verso

Douce dame priez li que il veille mon cuer esmovoir a luy amer et servir. Ave.
E tres douce dame pour icelle grant ioie que vous eustes au iour de noel quant il nasqt. de vous. Douce dame priez li qu'il me doint sa benoist nativite a ma redemption. Ave.
E tres douce dame pour icelle grant ioie que vous eustes quant li pastours vous trouverent vous et voustre doulz enfant.

A translation of this leaf is currently unavailable.