Cleveland Public Library Leaf 16

This is a leaf from a French breviary of the late 13th century, containing text with clerical instructions for the performance of church ritual throughout the year. A chief physical characteristic of these leaves is the shriveled and dirtied condition of their upper right corners, possibly from water damage. The decoration involves an unusual style of bright green ivy in the left margins, connecting together heavily-illuminated initials. As is the case in many breviaries, the black text is rendered in two sizes to distinguish readings from responses and prayers. The leaf measures 10.5 x 7.5 cm.

Text: Not yet identified.

Cleveland PL 16r.JPG
Cleveland Leaf 16 Recto
Cleveland Leaf 16 Recto

Cleveland Public Library Leaf 16 Recto

+ Cleveland Leaf 16 Recto Transcription
+ Cleveland Leaf 16 Recto Translation

Cleveland PL 16v.JPG
Cleveland Leaf 16 Verso
Cleveland Leaf 16 Verso

Cleveland Public Library Leaf 16 Verso

+ Cleveland Leaf 16 Verso Transcription
+ Cleveland Leaf 16 Verso Translation

For more information, contact Dr. Fred Porcheddu.