Cleveland Public Library Leaf 06
This leaf comes from an English Cambridge Bible of the early thirteenth century. The script is early angular gothic. The vellum is thin and soft with ink lining, obvious binding holes, and minimal yellowing. Ink used for the body of the text is brown, with decoration in the form of book name and chapter numbers red and blue with some minor squiggle emphasis, not unlike that found in Leaf 04. See Denison University Leaf 06 for more information on this manuscript.
Text: Nehemiah 3:12-5:4 (called Esdras 9:12-11:4) (recto); Nehemiah 5:4-7:6 (called Esdras 11:4-13:6) (verso).

Cleveland Public Library Leaf 06 Recto

ædificávit Sellum fílius Álohes, princeps médiæ partis vici Jerúsalem, ipse et fíliæ ejus. Et portam vallis ædificávit Hanun, et habitatóres Zánoë: ipsi ædificavérunt eam, et statuérunt valvas ejus, et seras, et vectes, et mille cúbitos in muro usque ad portam sterquilínii. Et portam sterquilínii ædificávit Mélchias fílius Rechab, princeps vici Bethacháram: ipse ædificávit eam, et státuit valvas ejus, et seras, et vectes. Et portam fontis ædificávit Sellum fílius Cholhóza, princeps pagi Maspha: ipse ædificávit eam, et texit, et státuit valvas ejus, et seras, et vectes, et muros piscínæ Síloë in hortum regis, et usque ad gradus qui descéndunt de civitáte David. Post eum ædificávit Nehemías fílius Azboc, princeps dimídiæ partis vici Bethsur, usque contra sepúlchrum David, et usque ad piscínam quæ grandi ópere constrúcta est, et usque ad domum fórtium. Post eum ædificavérunt Levítæ, Rehum fílius Benni: post eum ædificávit Hasébias princeps dimídiæ partis vici Céilæ in vico suo. Post eum ædificavérunt fratres eórum: Bávai fílius Enádad, princeps dimídiæ partis Céilæ: et ædificávit juxta eum Azer fílius Jósue, princeps Maspha, mensúram secúndam, contra ascénsum firmíssimi ánguli. Post eum in monte ædificávit Baruch fílius Záchai mensúram secúndam, ab ángulo usque ad portam domus Eliásib sacerdótis magni. Post eum ædificávit Mérimuth fílius Uríæ fílii Haccus, mensúram secúndam, a porta domus Eliásib, donec extenderétur domus Eliásib. Et post eum ædificavérunt sacerdótes, viri de campéstribus Jordánis. Post eum ædificávit Bénjamin et Hasub contra domum suam: et post eum ædificávit Azarías fílius Maásiæ fílii Ananíæ contra domum suam. Post eum ædificávit Bénnui fílius Henádad mensúram secúndam, a domo Azaríæ usque ad flexúram, et usque ad ángulum. Phalel fílius Ozi contra flexúram, et turrim quæ éminet de domo regis excélsa, id est, in átrio cárceris: post eum Phadaía fílius Pharos. Nathinǽi autem habitábant in Ophel usque contra portam aquárum ad oriéntem, et turrim quæ prominébat. Post eum ædificavérunt Thecúeni mensúram secúndam e regióne, a turre magna et eminénte usque ad murum templi. Sursum autem a porta equórum ædificavérunt sacerdótes, unusquísque contra domum suam. Post eos ædificávit Sadoc fílius Emmer contra domum suam. Et post eum ædificávit Semaía fílius Sechéniæ, custos portæ orientális. Post eum ædificávit Hanánia fílius Selémiæ, et Hanun fílius Seleph sextus, mensúram secúndam : post eum ædificávit Mosóllam fílius Barachíæ, contra gazophylácium suum. Post eum ædificávit Mélchias fílius auríficis usque ad domum Nathinæórum, et scruta vendéntium contra portam judiciálem, et usque ad cœnáculum ánguli. Et inter cœnáculum ánguli in porta gregis, ædificavérunt aurífices et negotiatóres. X. Factum est autem, cum audísset Sanabállat quod ædificarémus murum, irátus est valde: et motus nimis subsannávit Judǽos, et dixit coram frátribus suis, et frequéntia Samaritanórum: Quid Judǽi fáciunt imbecílles? num dimíttent eos gentes? num sacrificábunt, et complébunt in una die? numquid ædificáre póterunt lápides de acérvis púlveris, qui combústi sunt? Sed et Tobías Ammánites, próximus ejus, ait: Ædíficent: si ascénderit vulpes, transíliet murum eórum lapídeum. Audi, Deus noster, quia facti sumus despéctui: convérte oppróbrium super caput eórum, et da eos in despectiónem in terra captivitátis. Ne opérias iniquitátem eórum, et peccátum eórum coram fácie tua non deleátur, quia irrisérunt ædificántes. Ítaque ædificávimus murum, et conjúnximus totum usque ad partem dimídiam: et provocátum est cor pópuli ad operándum. Factum est autem, cum audísset Sanabállat, et Tobías, et Árabes, et Ammánitæ, et Azótii, quod obdúcta esset cicátrix muri Jerúsalem, et quod cœpíssent interrúpta conclúdi, iráti sunt nimis. Et congregáti sunt omnes páriter ut venírent, et pugnárent contra Jerúsalem, et moliréntur insídias. Et orávimus Deum nostrum, et posúimus custódes super murum die ac nocte contra eos. Dixit autem Judas: Debilitáta est fortitúdo portántis, et humus nímia est, et nos non potérimus ædificáre murum. Et dixérunt hostes nostri: Nésciant, et ignórent donec veniámus in médium eórum, et interficiámus eos, et cessáre faciámus opus. Factum est autem veniéntibus Judǽis qui habitábant juxta eos, et dicéntibus nobis per decem vices, ex ómnibus locis quibus vénerant ad nos, státui in loco post murum per circúitum pópulum in órdinem cum gládiis suis, et lánceis, et arcúbus. Et perspéxi atque surréxi: et aío ad optimátes et magistrátus, et ad réliquam partem vulgi: Nolíte timére a fácie eórum: Dómini magni et terríbilis mementóte, et pugnáte pro frátribus vestris, fíliis vestris, et filiábus vestris, et uxóribus vestris, et dómibus vestris. Factum est autem, cum audíssent inimíci nostri nuntiátum esse nobis, dissipávit Deus consílium eórum. Et revérsi sumus omnes ad muros, unusquísque ad opus suum. Et factum est a die illa, média pars júvenum eórum faciébat opus, et média paráta erat ad bellum: et lánceæ, et scuta, et arcus, et lorícæ, et príncipes post eos in omni domo Juda. Ædificántium in muro, et portántium ónera, et imponéntium: una manu sua faciébat opus, et áltera tenébat gládium: ædificéntium enim unusquísque gládio erat accínctus renes. Et ædificábant, et clangébant búccina juxta me. Et dixi ad optimátes, et ad magistrátus, et ad réliquam partem vulgi: Opus grande est et latum, et nos separáti sumus in muro procul alter ab áltero: in loco quocúmque audiéritis clangórem tubæ, illuc concúrrite ad nos: Deus noster pugnábit pro nobis. Et nos ipsi faciámus opus, et média pars nostrum téneat lánceas ab ascénsu auróræ donec egrediántur astra. In témpore quoque illo dixi pópulo: Unusquísque cum púero suo máneat in médio Jerúsalem, et sint nobis vices per noctem et diem ad operándum. Ego autem et fratres mei, et púeri mei, et custódes, qui erant post me, non deponebámus vestiménta nostra: unusquísque tantum nudabátur ad baptísmum. XI. Et factus est clamor pópuli et uxórum ejus magnus advérsus fratres suos Judǽos. Et erant qui dícerent: Fílii nostri et fíliæ nostræ multæ sunt nimis: accipiámus pro prétio eórum fruméntum, et comedámus, et vivámus. Et erant qui dícerent: Agros nostros, et víneas, et domus nostras opponámus, et accipiámus fruméntum in fame. Et álii dicébant: Mútuo sumámus pecúnias in tribúta regis

[Nehemiah 3:12-5:4 (called Esdras 9:12-11:4)]
12 And next to him built Sellum the son of Alohes, lord of half the street of Jerusalem, he and his daughters. 13 And the gate of the valley Hanun built, and the inhabitants of Zanoe: they built it, and set up the doors thereof, and the locks, and the bars, and a thousand cubits in the wall unto the gate of the dunghill. 14 And the gate of the dunghill Melchias the son of Rechab built, lord of the street of Bethacharam: he built it, and set up the doors thereof, and the locks, and the bars. 15 And the gate of the fountain Sellum the son of Cholhoza built, lord of the street of Maspha: he built it, and covered it, and set up the doors thereof, and the locks, and the bars, and the walls of the pool of Siloe unto the king's guard, and unto the steps that go down from the city of David. 16 After him built Nehemias the son of Azboc, lord of half the street of Bethsur, as far as over against the sepulchre of David, and to the pool, that was built with great labour, and to the house of the mighty. 17 After him built the Levites, Rehum the son of Benni. After him built Hasebias, lord of half the street of Ceila in his own street. 18 After him built their brethren Bavai the son of Enadad, lord of half Ceila. 19 And next to him Aser the son of Josue, lord of Maspha, built another measure, over against the going up of the strong corner. 20 After him in the mount Baruch the son of Zachai built another measure, from the corner to the door of the house of Eliasib the high priest. 21 After him Merimuth the son of Urias the son of Haccus, built another measure, from the door of the house of Eliasib, to the end of the house of Eliasib. 22 And after him built the priests, the men of the plains of the Jordan. 23 After him built Benjamin and Hasub, over against their own house: and after him built Azarias the son of Maasias the son of Ananias over against his house. 24 After him built Bennui the son of Hanadad another measure, from the house of Azarias unto the bending, and unto the corner. 25 Phalel, the son of Ozi, over against the bending and the tower, which lieth out from the king's high house, that is, in the court of the prison: after him Phadaia the son of Pharos. 26 And the Nathinites dwelt in Ophel, as far as over against the water gate toward the east, and the tower that stood out. 27 After him the Thecuites built another measure over against, from the great tower that standeth out unto the wall of the temple. 28 And upward from the horse gate the priests built, every man over against his house. 29 After them built Sadoc the son of Emmer over against his house. And after him built Semaia the son of Sechenias, keeper of the east gate. 30 After him built Hanania the son of Selemia, and Hanun the sixth son of Seleph, another measure: after him built Mosollam the son of Barachias over against his treasury. After him Melcias the goldsmith's son built unto the house of the Nathinites, and of the sellers of small wares, over against the judgment gate, and unto the chamber of the corner. 31 And within the chamber of the corner of the flock gate, the goldsmiths and the merchants built.
1 And it came to pass, that when Sanaballat heard that we were building the wall he was angry: and being moved exceedingly he scoffed at the Jews. 2 And said before his brethren, and the multitude of the Samaritans: What are the silly Jews doing? Will the Gentiles let them alone? will they sacrifice and make an end in a day? are they able to raise stones out of the heaps of the rubbish, which are burnt? 3 Tobias also the Ammonite who was by him said: Let them build: if a fox go up, he will leap over their stone wall. 4 Hear thou our God, for we are despised: turn their reproach upon their own head, and give them to be despised in a land of captivity. 5 Cover not their iniquity, and let not their sin be blotted out from before thy face, because they have mocked thy builders. 6 So we built the wall, and joined it all together unto the half thereof: and the heart of the people was excited to work. 7 And it came to pass, when Sanaballat, and Tobias, and the Arabians, and the Ammonites, and the Azotians heard that the walls of Jerusalem were made up, and the breaches began to be closed, that they were exceedingly angry. 8 And they all assembled themselves together, to come, and to fight against Jerusalem, and to prepare ambushes. 9 And we prayed to our God, and set watchmen upon the wall day and night against them. 10 And Juda said: The strength of the bearer of burdens is decayed, and the rubbish is very much, and we shall not be able to build the wall. 11 And our enemies said: Let them not know, nor understand, till we come in the midst of them, and kill them, and cause the work to cease. 12 And it came to pass, that when the Jews that dwelt by them came and told us ten times, out of all the places from whence they came to us, 13 I set the people in the place behind the wall round about in order, with their swords, and spears, and bows. 14 And I looked and rose up: and I said to the chief men and the magistrates, and to the rest of the common people: be not afraid of them. Remember the Lord who is great and terrible, and fight for your brethren, your sons, and your daughters, and your wives, and your houses. 15 And it came to pass, when our enemies heard that the thing had been told us, that God defeated their counsel. And we returned all of us to the walls, every man to his work. 16 And it came to pass from that day forward, that half of their young men did the work, and half were ready for to fight, with spears, and shields, and bows, and coats of mail, and the rulers were behind them in all the house of Juda. 17 Of them that built on the wall and that carried burdens, and that laded: with one of his hands he did the work, and with the other he held a sword. 18 For every one of the builders was girded with a sword about his reins. And they built, and sounded with a trumpet by me. 19 And I said to the nobles, and to the magistrates, and to the rest of the common people: The work is great and wide, and we are separated on the wall one far from another: 20 In what place soever you shall hear the sound of the trumpet, run all thither unto us: our God will fight for us. 21 And let us do the work: and let one half of us hold our spears from the rising of the morning, till the stars appear. 22 At that time also I said to the people: Let every one with his servant stay in the midst of Jerusalem, and let us take our turns in the night, and by day, to work. 23 Now I and my brethren, and my servants, and the watchmen that followed me, did not put off our clothes: only every man stripped himself when he was to be washed.
1 Now there was a great cry of the people, and of their wives against their brethren the Jews. 2 And there were some that said: Our sons and our daughters are very many: let us take up corn for the price of them, and let us eat and live. 3 And there were some that said: Let us mortgage our lands, and our vineyards, and our houses, and let us take corn because of the famine. 4 And others said: Let us borrow money for the king's tribute, and let us give up our fields and vineyards...
Cleveland Public Library Leaf 06 Verso

[column A]
demúsque agros nostros et víneas: et nunc sicut carnes fratrum nostrórum, sic carnes nostræ sunt: et sicut fílii eórum, ita et fílii nostri: ecce nos subjugámus fílios nostros et fílias nostras in servitútem, et de filiábus nostris sunt fámulæ, nec habémus unde possint rédimi: et agros nostros et víneas nostras álii póssident. Et irátus sum nimis cum audíssem clamórem eórum secúndum verba hæc: cogitavítque cor meum mecum, et increpávi optimátes et magistrátus, et dixi eis: Usurásne sínguli a frátribus vestris exígitis? Et congregávi advérsum eos conciónem magnam, et dixi eis: Nos, ut scitis, redémimus fratres nostros Judǽos, qui vénditi fúerant géntibus secúndum possibilitátem nostram: et vos ígitur vendétis fratres vestros, et redimémus eos? Et siluérunt, nec invenérunt quid respondérent. Dixíque ad eos: Non est bona res quam fácitis: quare non in timóre Dei nostri ambulástis, ne exprobrétur nobis a géntibus inimícis nostris? Et ego, et fratres mei, et púeri mei commodávimus plúrimis pecúniam et fruméntum. Non repetámus in commúne istud: æs aliénum concedámus quod debétur nobis. Réddite eis hódie agros suos, et víneas suas, et olivéta sua, et domos suas: quin pótius et centésimum pecúniæ, fruménti, vini et ólei, quam exígere solétis ab eis, date pro illis. Et dixérunt: Reddémus, et ab eis nihil quærémus: sicque faciémus ut lóqueris. Et vocávi sacerdótes, et adjurávi eos ut fácerent juxta quod díxeram. Ínsuper excússi sinum meum, et dixi: Sic excútiat Deus omnem virum qui non compléverit verbum istud, de domo sua, et de labóribus suis: sic excutiátur, et vácuus fiat. Et dixit univérsa multitúdo: Amen: et laudavérunt Deum. Fecit ergo pópulus sicut erat dictum. A die autem illa, qua præcéperat rex mihi ut essem dux in terra Juda, ab anno vigésimo usque ad annum trigésimum secúndum Artaxérxis regis per annos duódecim, ego et fratres mei annónas quæ dúcibus debebántur non comédimus. Duces autem primi, qui fúerant ante me, gravavérunt pópulum, et accepérunt ab eis in pane, et vino, et pecúnia, quotídie siclos quadragínta: sed et minístri eórum depressérunt pópulum. Ego autem non feci ita propter timórem Dei: quin pótius in ópere muri ædificávi, et agrum non emi, et omnes púeri mei congregáti ad opus erant. Judǽi quoque et magistrátus centum quinquagínta viri, et qui veniébant ad nos de géntibus quæ in circúitu nostro sunt, in mensa mea erant. Parabátur autem mihi per dies síngulos bos unus, aríetes sex elécti, excéptis volatílibus, et inter dies decem vina divérsa, et ália multa tribuébam : ínsuper et annónas ducátus mei non quæsívi: valde enim attenuátus erat pópulus. Meménto mei, Deus meus, in bonum, secúndum ómnia quæ feci pópulo huic. XII. Factum est autem, cum audísset Sanabállat, et Tobías, et Gossem Arabs, et céteri inimíci nostri, quod ædificássem ego murum, et non esset in ipso resídua interrúptio (úsque ad tempus autem illud valvas non posúeram in portis), misérunt Sanabállat et Gossem ad me, dicéntes: Veni, et percutiámus fœdus páriter in vículis in campo Ono. Ipsi autemXIII. Postquam autem ædificátus est murus, et pósui valvas, et recénsui janitóres, et cantóres, et Levítas, præcépi Hanáni fratri meo, et Hanániæ príncipi domus de Jerúsalem (ípse enim quasi vir verax et timens Deum plus céteris videbátur), et dixi eis: Non aperiántur portæ Jerúsalem usque ad calórem solis. Cumque adhuc assísterent, clausæ portæ sunt, et oppilátæ: et pósui custódes de habitatóribus Jerúsalem, síngulos per vices suas, et unumquémque contra domum suam. Cívitas autem erat lata nimis et grandis, et pópulus parvus in médio ejus, et non erant domus ædificátæ. Deus autem dedit in corde meo, et congregávi optimátes, et magistrátus, et vulgus, ut recénserem eos: et invéni librum census eórum qui ascénderant primum, et invéntum est scriptum in eo. Isti fílii provínciæ, qui ascen-
[column B]
cogitábant ut fácerent mihi malum. Misi ergo ad eos núntios, dicens: Opus grande ego fácio, et non possum descéndere, ne forte negligátur cum vénero, et descéndero ad vos. Misérunt autem ad me secúndum verbum hoc per quátuor vices: et respóndi eis juxta sermónem priórem. Et misit ad me Sanabállat juxta verbum prius quinta vice púerum suum, et epístolam habébat in manu sua scriptam hoc modo: In géntibus audítum est, et Gossem dixit, quod tu et Judǽi cogitétis rebelláre, et proptérea ædífices murum, et leváre te velis super eos regem: propter quam causam et prophétas posúeris, qui prædícent de te in Jerúsalem, dicéntes: Rex in Judǽa est. Auditúrus est rex verba hæc: idcírco nunc veni, ut ineámus consílium páriter. Et misi ad eos, dicens: Non est factum secúndum verba hæc, quæ tu lóqueris: de corde enim tuo tu compónis hæc. Omnes enim hi terrébant nos, cogitántes quod cessárent manus nostræ ab ópere, et quiescerémus: quam ob causam magis confortávi manus meas. Et ingréssus sum domum Semaíæ fílii Dalaíæ fílii Metábeel secréto. Qui ait: Tractémus nobíscum in domo Dei in médio templi, et claudámus portas ædis: quia ventúri sunt ut interfíciant te, et nocte ventúri sunt ad occidéndum te. Et dixi: Num quisquam símilis mei fugit? et quis ut ego ingrediétur templum, et vivet? non ingrédiar. Et intelléxi quod Deus non misísset eum, sed quasi vatícinans locútus esset ad me, et Tobías et Sanabállat conduxíssent eum. Accéperat enim prétium, ut térritus fácerem, et peccárem, et habérent malum quod exprobrárent mihi. Meménto mei, Dómine, pro Tobía et Sanabállat, juxta ópera eórum tália: sed et Noádiæ prophétæ, et ceterórum prophetárum, qui terrébant me. Complétus est autem murus vigésimo quinto die mensis Elul, quinquagínta duóbus diébus. Factum est ergo cum audíssent omnes inimíci nostri, ut timérent univérsæ gentes quæ erant in circúitu nostro, et concíderent intra semetípsos, et scirent quod a Deo factum esset opus hoc. Sed et in diébus illis multæ optimátum Judæórum epístolæ mittebántur ad Tobíam, et a Tobía veniébant ad eos. Multi enim erant in Judǽa habéntes juraméntum ejus, quia gener erat Sechéniæ fílii Área, et Johánan fílius ejus accéperat fíliam Mosóllam fílii Barachíæ: sed et laudábant eum coram me, et verba mea nuntiábant ei: et Tobías mittébat epístolas ut terréret me.

[Nehemiah 5:4-7:6 (called Esdras 11:4-13:6)]
4 And others said: Let us borrow money for the king's tribute, and let us give up our fields and vineyards: 5 And now our flesh is as the flesh of our brethren: and our children as their children. Behold we bring into bondage our sons and our daughters, and some of our daughters are bondwomen already, neither have we wherewith to redeem them, and our fields and our vineyards other men possess. 6 And I was exceedingly angry when I heard their cry according to these words. 7 And my heart thought with myself: and I rebuked the nobles and magistrates, and said to them: Do you every one exact usury of your brethren? And I gathered together a great assembly against them, 8 And I said to them: We, as you know, have redeemed according to our ability our brethren the Jews, that were sold to the Gentiles: and will you then sell your brethren, for us to redeem them? And they held their peace, and found not what to answer. 9 And I said to them: The thing you do is not good: why walk you not in the fear of our God, that we be not exposed to the reproaches of the Gentiles our enemies? 10 Both I and my brethren, and my servants, have lent money and corn to many: let us all agree not to call for it again; let us forgive the debt that is owing to us. 11 Restore ye to them this day their fields, and their vineyards, and their oliveyards, and their houses: and the hundredth part of the money, and of the corn, the wine, and the oil, which you mere wont to exact of them, give it rather for them. 12 And they said: We will restore, and we will require nothing of them: and we will do as thou sayest. And I called the priests and took an oath of them, to do according to what I had said. 13 Moreover I shook my lap, and said: So may God shake every man that shall not accomplish this word, out of his house, and out of his labours, thus may he be shaken out, and become empty. And all the multitude said: Amen. And they praised God. And the people did according to what was said. 14 And from the day, in which the king commanded me to be governor in the land of Juda, from the twentieth year even to the two and thirtieth year of Artaxerxes the king, for twelve years, I and my brethren did not eat the yearly allowance that was due to the governors. 15 But the former governors that had been before me, were chargeable to the people, and took of them in bread, and wine, and in money every day forty sicles: and their officers also oppressed the people. But I did not so for the fear of God. 16 Moreover I built in the work of the wall, and I bought no land, and all my servants were gathered together to the work. 17 The Jews also and the magistrates to the number of one hundred and fifty men, were at my table, besides them that came to us from among the nations that were round about us. 18 And there was prepared for me day by day one ox, and six choice rams, besides fowls, and once in ten days I gave store of divers wines, and many other things: yet I did not require my yearly allowance as governor: for the people were very much impoverished. 19 Remember me, O my God, for good according to all that I have done for this people.
1 Now after the wall was built, and I had set up the doors, and numbered the porters and singing men, and Levites: 2 I commanded Hanani my brother, and Hananias ruler of the house of Jerusalem, (for he seemed as a sincere man, and one that feared God above the rest,) 3 And I said to them: Let not the gates of Jerusalem be opened till the sun be hot. And while they were yet standing by, the gates were shut, and barred: and I set watchmen of the inhabitants of Jerusalem, every one by their courses, and every man over against his house. 4 And the city was very wide and great, and the people few in the midst thereof, and the houses were not built. 5 But God had put in my heart, and I assembled the princes and magistrates, and common people, to number them: and I found a book of the number of them who came up at first, and therein it was found written: 6 These are the children of the province, who came up from the captivity of them that had been carried away, whom Nabuchodonosor the king of Babylon had carried away, and who returned into Judea, every one into his own city.1 And it came to pass, when Sanaballat, and Tobias, and Gossem the Arabian, and the rest of our enemies, heard that I had built the wall, and that there was no breach left in it, (though at that time I had not set up the doors in the gates,) 2 Sanaballat and Gossem sent to me, saying: Come, and let us make a league together in the villages, in the plain of Ono. But they thought to do me mischief. 3 And I sent messengers to them, saying: I am doing a great work, and I cannot come down, lest it be neglected whilst I come, and go down to you. 4 And they sent to me according to this word, four times: and I answered them after the same manner. 5 And Sanaballat sent his servant to me the fifth time according to the former word, and he had a letter in his hand written in this manner: 6 It is reported amongst the Gentiles, and Gossem hath said it, that thou and the Jews think to rebel, and therefore thou buildest the wall, and hast a mind to set thyself king over them: for which end 7 Thou hast also set up prophets, to preach of thee at Jerusalem, saying: There is a king in Judea. The king will hear of these things: therefore come now, that we may take counsel together. 8 And I sent to them, saying: There is no such thing done as thou sayest: but thou feignest these things out of thy own heart. 9 For all these men thought to frighten us, thinking that our hands would cease from the work, and that we would leave off. Wherefore I strengthened my hands the more: 10 And I went into the house of Samaia the son of Delaia, the son of Metabeel privately. And he said: Let us consult together in the house of God in the midst of the temple: and let us shut the doors of the temple, for they will come to kill thee, and in the night they will come to slay thee. 11 And I said: Should such a man as I flee? and who is there that being as I am, would go into the temple, to save his life? I will not go in. 12 And I understood that God had not sent him, but that he had spoken to me as if he had been prophesying, and Tobias, and Sanaballat had hired him. 13 For he had taken money, that I being afraid should do this thing, and sin, and they might have some evil to upbraid me withal. 14 Remember me, O Lord, for Tobias and Sanaballat, according to their works of this kind: and Noadias the prophet, and the rest of the prophets that would have put me in fear. 15 But the wall was finished the five and twentieth day of the month of Elul, in two and fifty days. 16 And it came to pass when all our enemies heard of it, that all nations which were round about us, were afraid, and were cast down within themselves, for they perceived that this work was the work of God. 17 Moreover in those days many letters were sent by the principal men of the Jews to Tobias, and from Tobias there came letters to them. 18 For there were many in Judea sworn to him, because he was the son in law of Sechenias the son of Area, and Johanan his son had taken to wife the daughter of Mosollam the son of Barachias. 19 And they praised him also before me, and they related my words to him: And Tobias sent letters to put me in fear.