Cincinnati Public Library Leaf 50
This is a leaf from a Book of Hours made in France in, according to Ege, about the year 1535. It is the latest, or most recent, of the 50 leaves in the Ege portfolio, and measures 16 x 11.5 cm. The script is a curved gothic, and quite distinctive; notice especially the variety of directions and styles of the ascenders. By contrast the large illuminated initials seem very bulky and old-fashioned. Lesser first letters are filled with yellow. See Denison University Leaf 50 for more information about this manuscript.
Text: From the Office for the Dead at Matins, the First Nocturne (here, Psalms 6 and 7).

Cincinnati Public Library Leaf 50 Recto

Turbatus est a furore oculus meus: inveteravi inter omnes inimicos meos.
Discedite a me omnes, qui operamini iniquitatem: quoniam exaudivit Dominus vocem fletus mei.
Exaudivit Dominus deprecationem meam: Dominus orationem meam suscepit.
Erubescant, et conturbentur vehementer omnes inimici mei: convertantur, et erubescant valde velociter. Ant: Convertere Domine, et eripe animam meam: quoniam non est

[Psalms 6] tears. Mine eye is troubled for fury: I have waxen old among all mine enemies. Depart from me all ye, that work iniquity: because our Lord hath heard the voice of my weeping. Our Lord hath heard my petition: our Lord hath received my prayer. Let all my enemies be ashamed, and very sore troubled: let them be converted, and ashamed very speedily. Ant: Turn thee O Lord, and deliver my soul: because that...

Cincinnati Public Library Leaf 50 Verso

in morte qui memor sit tui. Ant: Nequando. Psalmus.
Domine Deus meus in te speravi: salvum me fac ex omnibus persequentibus me, et libera me.
Nequando rapiat ut leo animam meam: dum non est qui redimat, neque qui salvum faciat.
Domine Deus meus si feci istud: si est iniquitas in manibus meis.
Si reddidi retribuentibus mihi mala: decidam merito ab inimicis meis inanis.
Persequatur inimicus animam death none is mindful of thee. Ant: Lest peradventure. Psalm.
[Psalms 7] O Lord my God I have hoped in thee: save me from all that persecute me, and deliver me. Lest sometime he as a Lion violently take my soul: whilst there is none to redeem nor to save. O Lord my God if I have done this: if there be iniquity in my hands. If I have rendered to them that repaid me evils: let me worthily fall empty from mine enemies. Let the enemy persecute my soul...