Cincinnati Public Library Leaf 46
This leaf is from a Book of Hours made in northern France in the late fifteenth century. It measures 16 x 12 cm, and the arrangement of its responses and antiphons indicates that it accords with the Use of Rouen. Blooming on these pages are acanthus leaves intertwined with a truly impressive variety of what Ege calls "wayside flowers," including thistles, gallic roses, strawberries, grapes, and others which are so stylized as to be nearly geometric. The flowers are fenced in by red lining, a thinner form of which rules the text. There are many well-executed illuminated initials, with lesser first letters filled with yellow; occasionally a lone "cut flower" has been used to fill empty space in the text block. Many leaves are stained from use. See Denison University Leaf 46 for more information about this manuscript.
Text: The leaves we have seen indicate that this Book of Hours accords to the Uses of Rouen and Coutances. This leaf contains text from the first five of the fifteen Joys of the Virgin, in French.
Reconstruction Note! One leaf separated this leaf from what is now Leaf 46 in the Kent State University portfolio. The latter contains the end of the Joys of the Virgin.

Cincinnati Public Library Leaf 46 Recto

Douce dame pour icelle grant ioie que vous eustes quant le saint angre gabriel vous aporta la nouuelle que le sauueur de tout le monde uendroit en vous. Douce dame pries li q'il veille venir en moi espirituellement. Ave maria.
Douce dame pour icelle grant ioie que vous eustes quant vous alastes en la montaigne uisite madame sainte elizabeth uostre cousine et elle vous dit que vous esties benoiste sur toutes fames. Douce dame pries li que il me

A translation of this leaf is currently unavailable.

Cincinnati Public Library Leaf 46 Verso

veille rasazier. Ave maria.
Douce dame pour icelle grant ioie que vous eustes quant vous le sentistes mouuet en vos doulz flans. Douce dame pries li que il [ ]. Ave.
Douce dame pour icelle grant ioie que vous eustes au iour de noel quant vostre doulz filz nasqui de vous. Douce dame pries li que il motroit sa benoite natiuite. Ave maria.
Douce dame pour ycelle grant ioie que vous eustes quant les pastouriaulz vous trouue

A translation of this leaf is currently unavailable.