Cincinnati Public Library Leaf 28

This leaf is from a French Book of Hours from the mid-fifteenth century, and measures 15 x 10.5 cm. The metal alloys used in the decorations have tarnished, and there is visible chemical deterioration of the vellum. Some of the leaves display smudging of the ink when still wet. See Denison University Leaf 28 for more information about this manuscript.

Text: The leaves we have seen indicate that this Book of Hours accords with the Use of Metz; see especially Leaf 28 in the Kent State, Denison, Kenyon, and Lima portfolios for evidence. This leaf contains text from the Hours of the Virgin at Lauds, specifically Psalms 148, 149, and 150.
Cincinnati PL28r.JPG
Cincinnati Leaf 28 Recto
Cincinnati Leaf 28 Recto

Cincinnati Public Library Leaf 28 Recto

+ Cincinnati Leaf 28 Recto Transcription
+ Cincinnati Leaf 28 Recto Translation

Cincinnati PL28v.JPG
Cincinnati Leaf 28 Verso
Cincinnati Leaf 28 Verso

Cincinnati Public Library Leaf 28 Verso

+ Cincinnati Leaf 28 Verso Transcription
+ Cincinnati Leaf 28 Verso Translation

For more information, contact Dr. Fred Porcheddu.