Cincinnati Public Library Leaf 14

This leaf comes from a French Bible of the late thirteenth century. The vellum is thin, white, and supple with minimal yellowing, measuring a substantial 40.5 x 27 cm. Lining is done in light ink or lead, and the script is an angular gothic. The bulk of the text is in brown ink, with red, blue, coral, white, and beige for the decorations. This leaf is heavily illuminated and decorated, including elaborate initials and foliage, highlighted book names and chapter numbers, and extensive use of gold leaf. But while the decoration is exceptional, we see on these leaves an unusual number of scribal corrections (especially erasures and strikethroughs). See Denison University Leaf 14 for more information about this manuscript.

Text: Acts 13:37-14:27 (recto) and 15:1-16:2 (verso).

Cincinnati PL14v.JPG
Cincinnati Leaf 14 Recto
Cincinnati Leaf 14 Recto

Cincinnati Public Library Leaf 14 Recto

+ Cincinnati Leaf 14 Recto Transcription
+ Cincinnati Leaf 14 Recto Translation

Cincinnati PL14r.JPG
Cincinnati Leaf 14 Verso
Cincinnati Leaf 14 Verso

Cincinnati Public Library Leaf 14 Verso

+ Cincinnati Leaf 14 Verso Transcription
+ Cincinnati Leaf 14 Verso Translation

For more information, contact Dr. Fred Porcheddu.