Cleveland Institute of Art Leaf 29
This leaf is from a French Book of Hours made in the middle of the fifteenth century. It measures only 18 x 13.5 cm, and its broad margins help emphasize the often dramatic difference between the size of a text block and the overall size of a leaf. The text block is ruled in red; first letters are decorated with gold, blue, light plum, and white. The ivy leaves are gold, with flowers and buds in the ivy rendered in medium green and blue, and occasionally red and plum. Some leaves have the marginal ivy on both the recto and verso. See Denison University Leaf 29 for more information about this manuscript.
Text: Based on the leaves we have seen, this Book of Hours accords with the Use of Rome. This leaf contains text from the Hours of the Virgin at Compline, incuding passages from Psalms 130 and Ecclesiasticus 24.

Cleveland Institute of Art Leaf 29 Recto

oculi mei. Neque ambulavi in magnis: neque in mirabilibus super me. Si non humiliter sentiebam: sed exaltavi animam meam. Sicut ablactatus est super matrem suam: ita retributio in anima mea. Speret Israel in Domino: ex hoc nunc et usque in saeculum. Gloria Patri. Hymnus.
Memento salutis auctor. Quod nostri quondam corporis, ex illibata virgine nascendo, formam sumpseris. Maria mater gratiae, mater misericordiae, tu

[Psalm 130] ...mine eyes. Neither have I walked in great matters: nor in marvelous things above me. If I were not humble minded: but exalted my soul. As the weaned child is over his mother: so recompense in my soul. Let Israel hope in our Lord: from henceforth now and for ever. Glory be to the Father. Hymn.
Be mindful author of our health, That thou sometime didst take on thee Of a pure virgin being born, The form of our humanity. Mary that mother art of grace, Of mercy mother also art, Save...

Cleveland Institute of Art Leaf 29 Verso

nos ab hoste protege, Et hora mortis suscipe. Gloria tibi Domine, Qui natus es de virgine, Cum patre, et sancto spiritu, In sempiterna saecula. Amen. Capitulum.
Ego mater pulchrae dilectionis, et timoris, et magnitudinis, et sanctae spei. Deo gratias. V: Ora pro nobis sancta Dei genitrix. Ut digni efficiamur promissionibus Christi. Ant: Sub tuum praesidium. Psalmus.
Nunc dimittis servum tuum Domine: secundum

...and defend us from our foe, Receive us when we hence depart. Glory be unto thee O Lord, That born was of the virgin pure, With the father and the holy Ghost, All ages ever to endure. Amen. Chapter.
[Ecclesiasticus 24] I am the mother of beautiful love, and of fear, and of greatness, and of holy hope. Thanks be to God. V: Pray for us holy mother of God. That we may be made worthy the promises of Christ. Ant: Under thy aid.
[The Song of Simeon, from Luke 2] Now thou dost dismiss thy servant O Lord: according to...