Case Western Reserve University Leaf 47
This leaf is from a Book of Hours made in the area of the Netherlands in the late fifteenth century. It measures 18 x 13 cm. The borders on these leaves come in two forms. Some are composed of a firmly-defined rectangle filled to its edge with solid color (dominated by cinnamon, deep sky blue, and gold) rendered in a decorative conceit (triangles, waves, bars) and framing simple flower sprigs. Other borders are less boldly outlined and are not filled with solid colors; instead, a speckled background hosts a strong acanthus vine and a wildflower spray in which a live creature (a bird, a human, a zoomorph) may lurk. While this leaf may have been created in the Netherlands, its rubricated headings are in French. See Denison University Leaf 47 for more information about this manuscript.
Text: This leaf contains text from the Litanies of the Saints.

Case Western Reserve University Leaf 47 Recto

Sancta Maria, ora pro nobis.
Sancta Dei genitrix, ora.
Sancta virgo virginum, ora.
Sancte Michael, ora.
Sancte Gabriel, ora.
Sancte Raphael, ora.
Omnes sancti Angeli, et Archangeli dei, orate pro nobis.
Sancte Ioannes Baptista, ora.
Omnes Sancti Patriarche, et Prophete, orate.
Sancte Petre, ora.
Sancte Paule, ora.
Sancte Andrea, ora.

Holy Mary, pray for us.
Holy Mother of God, pray for us.
Holy virgin of virgins, pray for us.
Saint Michael, pray for us.
Saint Gabriel, pray for us.
Saint Raphael, pray for us.
All ye Holy Angels, and Archangels, pray for us.
Saint John Baptist, pray for us.
All holy Patriarchs, and Prophets, pray ye for us.
Saint Peter, pray for us.
Saint Paul, pray for us.
Saint Andrew, pray for us.

Case Western Reserve University Leaf 47 Verso

Sancte Iohannes, ora.
Sancte Iacobe, ora.
Sancte Philippe, ora.
Sancte Thoma, ora.
Sancte Symon, ora.
Sancte Thadee, ora.
Sancte Bartholomee, ora.
Sancte Mathee, ora.
Sancte Mathia, ora.
Sancte Barnaba, ora.
Sancte Marce, ora.
Sancte Luca, ora.
Omnes sancti Apostoli, et Evangeliste dei, orate.

Saint John, pray for us.
Saint James, pray for us.
Saint Philip, pray for us.
Saint Thomas, pray for us.
Saint Simon, pray for us.
Saint Thaddeus, pray for us.
Saint Bartholomew, pray for us.
Saint Matthew, pray for us.
Saint Mathias, pray for us.
Saint Barnaby, pray for us.
Saint Mark, pray for us.
Saint Luke, pray for us.
All ye Holy Apostles, and Evangelists, pray for us.