Case Western Reserve University Leaf 45
This leaf is from a Book of Hours made in France in the later fifteenth century, and its text conforms very clearly to the Use of Paris. The vellum is very well prepared, and measures 18.5 x 13 cm; the text block is ruled in red, and the main ink is a dark slate color. The formation of the letters, both in shape and in position above the ruling, gives them a slightly insubstantial quality; there are, moreover, a surprising number of grammatical and other scribal errors in these leaves. Simple vines of red, blue, and gold flower buds ascend and descend from at least one large initial on each leaf; the blue ink used for the decoration is especially vivid. See Denison University Leaf 45 for more information about this manuscript.
Text: Based on the leaves we have seen, this Book of Hours accords with the Use of Paris: the leaves in the Ohio State University and Cleveland Institute of Art portfolios provide the best clues. This leaf contains the very end of the Seven Penitential Psalms and the beginning text of the Litanies.

Case Western Reserve University 45 Recto

Ne reminiscaris Domine delicta nostra, vel parentem nostrorum: neque vindictam sumas de peccatis nostris. Parce domine parce populo tuo ne in eternum irascaris nobis.
Kyrieleyson. Xristeleyson. Kyrieleyson. Pater de celis Deus, miserere nobis.
Fili redemptor mundi Deus, miserere nobis.
Spiritus sancte Deus, misere-

Remember, not O Lord our or our parents' offences: neither take vengeance of our sins. [ ]
Lord have mercy upon us. Christ have mercy upon us. Lord have mercy upon us. God the Father of heaven, have mercy upon us.
God the Son redeemer of the world, have mercy upon us.
God the Holy Ghost, have mercy...

Case Western Reserve University Leaf 45 Verso

-re nobis. Sancta Trinitas unus Deus, miserere nobis.
Sancta Maria, ora pro nobis.
Sancta virgo virginum, ora pro nobis.
Sancta Dei genitrix, ora.
Sancte Michael, ora.
Sancte Gabriel, ora.
Sancte Raphael, ora.
Omnes sancti angeli et archangeli, dei orate pro nobis.

...upon us. Holy Trinity one God, have mercy upon us.
Holy Mary, pray for us.
Holy virgin of virgins, pray for us.
Holy Mother of God, pray for us.
Saint Michael, pray for us.
Saint Gabriel, pray for us.
Saint Raphael, pray for us.
All ye Holy angels and archangels of God pray for us.