Case Western Reserve University Leaf 31
This leaf is from a French Book of Hours made in the middle of the fifteenth century, and measures 18.5 x 13 cm. The marginal ivy emerges from the text block and weaves and subdivides, producing gold leaves and several kinds of colorful flowers; the ivy seems only to be located along the outer margin of each page. The arrangement of this Book of Hours may be in accord with the Use of Paris.
Text: This leaf contains text from the Office of the Blessed Virgin Mary at Matins, possibly in the Use of Bourges or Cambrai. The recto features the text of the hymn "O Beata Virgo Maria," written by Bishop Fulbert of Chartres (ca. 951-1029) and appearing in his Sermo IX, "De Annuntiatione Dominica."

Case Western Reserve University Leaf 31 Recto

Ab hoste maligno eripiat nos dei genitrix virgo. Amen. lectio vii.
O Beata Maria, quis tibi digne valeat iura gratiarum ac laudum praeconia rependere, quae singulari tuo assensu, mundo succurristi perdito? Quas tibi laudes fragilitas humani generis persolvat, quae solo tuo commercio recuperandi aditum invenit? Accipe itaque quascumque exiles, quascumque meritis tuis impares gratiarum actiones, et cum susceperis vota, culpas nostras orando ex-

Rescue us from the hosts of evil, virgin mother of god. Amen. Lesson 7.
O Blessed Virgin Mary, who can worthily repay thee thy just dues of praise and thanksgiving, thou who by the wondrous assent of thy will didst rescue a fallen world? What songs of praise can our weak human nature recite in thy honor, since it is by thy intervention alone that it has found the way to restoration? Accept, then, such poor thanks as we have here to offer, though they be unequal to thy merits; and, receiving our vows, obtain by thy prayers the remission of our offenses.

Case Western Reserve University Leaf 31 Verso

-cusa. Tu autem domine miserere nostri. Deo gratias. R: Ave Maria, gratia plena, Dominus tecum. Spiritus sanctus superveniet in te: et virtus altissimi obumbrabit tibi: quod enim ex te nascetur sanctum, vocabitur filius Dei. V: Quomodo fiet istud, quoniam virum non cognosco? Et respondens Angelus dixit ei: R.Spiritus sanctus superveniet in te, et virtus altissimi obumbrabit tibi: quod enim ex te nascetur sanctum, vocabitur filius Dei. Iube domine benedicere. Sancta dei mater pro

To you also lord god our savior. Thanks be to God. R: Hail Mary, full of grace: our Lord is with thee. The holy Ghost shall come upon thee: and the power of the most high shall overshadow thee: for that which of thee shall be born Holy, shall be called the son of God. V: How shall this be done, because I know not man? And the Angel answering, said unto her: R: the holy Ghost shall come upon thee and the power of the most high shall overshadow thee: for that which of thee shall be born Holy, shall be called the son of God. Bid me o Lord to bless. Holy Mother of God, for...