University of Colorado, Boulder Leaf 38

This leaf is from a missal made in the French city of Limoges in the middle of the fifteenth century. It measures a squarish 31 x 24 cm. The main text ink is a dark grey. Some leaves have extensive passages underscored in red. There are alternating blue and red Lombardic initials, and pencil or ink Arabic foliation in the upper right corner. See Denison University Leaf 38 for more information about this manuscript.

Text: Not yet identified. A scan of the verso is not currently available.

Boulder 38.jpg
Boulder Leaf 38 Recto
Boulder Leaf 38 Recto

University of Colorado, Boulder Leaf 38 Recto

+ Boulder Leaf 38 Recto Transcription

A transcription of this leaf is currently unavailable.

+ Boulder Leaf 38 Recto Translation

A translation of this leaf is currently unavailable.

For more information, contact Dr. Fred Porcheddu.