University of Colorado, Boulder Leaf 29
This leaf is from a French Book of Hours made in the middle of the fifteenth century. It measures only 18 x 13.5 cm, and its broad margins help emphasize the often dramatic difference between the size of a text block and the overall size of a leaf. The text block is ruled in red; first letters are decorated with gold, blue, light plum, and white. The ivy leaves are gold, with flowers and buds in the ivy rendered in medium green and blue, and occasionally red and plum. Some leaves have the marginal ivy on both the recto and verso. See Denison University Leaf 29 for more information about this manuscript.
Text: Based on the leaves we have seen, this Book of Hours accords with the Use of Rome. This leaf contains text from the Office for the Dead at Matins, the First Nocturne, including passages from Psalms 5. A scan of the verso is not currently available.

University of Colorado, Boulder Leaf 29 Recto

Patri: sicut erat. Venite adoremus. Regem, cui omnia vivunt, Venite adoremus. In primo nocturno. Ant: Dirige. Psalmus Davidi.
Verba mea auribus percipe Domine: intellege clamorem meum.
Intende voci orationis meae: rex meus, et Deus meus.
Quoniam ad te orabo Domine: mane exaudies vocem meam.
Mane astabo tibi, et videbo: quoniam non Deus volens iniquitatem tu es.
Neque habitabit iuxta te malignus: neque permanebunt

Father: as it was [in the beginning...] Come let us adore. The King, unto whom all things do live, Come let us adore. In the first nocturne. Ant: Direct. Psalm.
[Psalms 5] Receive O Lord my words with thine ears: understand my cry. Attend to the voice of my prayer: my King, and my God. Because I will pray to thee O Lord: in the morning thou wilt hear my voice. In the morning I will stand by thee, and will see: because thou art a God that wilt not iniquity. Neither shall the malignant dwell by thee: neither shall...