University of Massachusetts, Amherst Leaf 50
This is a leaf from a Book of Hours made in France in, according to Ege, about the year 1535. It is the latest, or most recent, of the 50 leaves in the Ege portfolio, and measures 16 x 11.5 cm. The script is a curved gothic, and quite distinctive; notice especially the variety of directions and styles of the ascenders. By contrast the large illuminated initials seem very bulky and old-fashioned. Lesser first letters are filled with yellow. See Denison University Leaf 50 for more information about this manuscript.
Text: From the Office of the Virgin at Nones into Vespers, here consisting in part of Psalms 125:3-6. A scan of the recto is not currently available.

University of Masschusetts, Amherst Leaf 50 Verso

Magnificavit Dominus facere nobiscum: facti sumus laetantes.
Converte Domine captivitatem nostram: sicut torrens in austro.
Qui seminant in lacrimis: in exultatione metent.
Euntes ibant, et flebant: mittentes semina sua.
Venientes autem venient cum exultatione: portantes manipulos suos. Gloria Patri et. Beatam me dicent omnes generationes. Quia ancillam humillem respexit de.
Beata es virgo mater

[Psalms 125] Our Lord hath dealt magnifically to do with us: we are made joyful. Turn our captivity o Lord: as a brook in the south. They that sow in tears: shall reap in joyfulness. Going they went, and wept: casting their seeds. But coming they shall come with jollity carrying their sheaves. Glory be to the Father. Because he hath regarded the humility of his handmaid: for behold from henceforth all generations shall call me blessed.
Blessed is the virgin mother...