University of Massachusetts, Amherst Leaf 02

This twelfth century Spanish missal is 34 x 23.5 cm on slightly yellowed vellum. Lined with lead plummet or very light ink, the text, described by Ege as gothic minuscule, is in black ink with enlarged initials and phrases highlighted in red-orange. See Denison University Leaf 02 for more information on this manuscript.

Text: Acts 10:42-44 (recto). A scan of the verso is not currently available. Responses not yet transcribed.

Amherst 02.jpg
Amherst Leaf 02 Recto
Amherst Leaf 02 Recto

University of Massachusetts, Amherst Leaf 02 Recto

+ Amherst Leaf 02 Recto Transcription

[19 lines of responses not yet transcribed.]

[Transcription beginning five lines from the bottom:]

nobis prædicáre pópulo, et testificári, quia ipse est qui constitútus est a Deo judex vivórum et mortuórum. Huic omnes prophétæ testimónium pérhibent remissiónem peccatórum accípere per nomen ejus omnes qui credunt in eum. Ad-

+ Amherst Leaf 02 Recto Translation

[19 lines of responses not yet transcribed.]

[Acts 10:42-44]

42 And he commanded us to preach to the people, and to testify that it is he who was appointed by God, to be judge of the living and of the dead. 43 To him all the prophets give testimony, that by his name all receive remission of sins, who believe in him. 44 While...

For more information, contact Dr. Fred Porcheddu.