University of Massachusetts, Amherst Leaf 01
Described by Ege as early 12th century Swiss, this leaf is from a New Testament with glosses by church fathers including Bede, Jerome, and Gregory. The primary script is Carolingian, with one of the glosses in a minuscule very similar to that in Leaf 04. The gloss hands are different from both one another and from the Biblical text, and the Carolingian gloss hand has decorative brackets setting apart each section. See Denison University Leaf 01 for more information on this manuscript.
Text: John 15:22-16:2, with commentary from the Glossa Ordinaria (verso). No scan of the recto is currently available, but it likely contained the text of John 15:16-22.
Reconstruction Note! In Ege's original manuscript, this leaf followed what is now Leaf 01 in the Cincinnati Public Library portfolio. Together they contain the text of John 15:2-16:2.

Amherst Leaf 01 Verso

[The 4 lines of gloss across the top margin is indicated as Bede, but not yet identified.]
[The main text in the central column:] Autem non veníssem, et locútus fuíssem eis, peccátum non habérent: nunc autem excusatiónem non habent de peccáto suo. Qui me odit, et Patrem meum odit. Si ópera non fecíssem in eis quæ nemo álius fecit, peccátum non habérent: nunc autem et vidérunt, et odérunt et me, et Patrem meum. Sed ut adimpleátur sermo, qui in lege eórum scriptus est: Quia ódio habuérunt me gratis. Cum autem vénerit Paráclitus, quem ego mittam vobis a Patre, Spíritum veritátis, qui a Patre procédit, ille testimónium perhibébit de me; et vos testimónium perhibébitis, quia ab inítio mecum estis. Hæc locútus sum vobis, ut non scandalizémini. Absque synagógis fácient vos: sed venit hora, ut omnis
[The source of the interlinear glosses is not yet identified.]
[Text from the Glossa Ordinaria down the left margin:] ¶ Excusationem. Illi quibus non venit nec locútus est, habent excusatiónem non de omni peccáto, sed de hoc quod in Christum non credíderint. Hi vero quibus in apóstolis venit et locútus est, non excusántur. Prióres vero qui sine lege peccavérunt, sine lege peribúnt. ¶ Hoc peccátum in me, étiam redúndat in Patrem, quia qui me odit et Patrem meum odit. Et quod est gravíssimum, non solum veni et locútus sum, sed ópera feci, quae vidéntes odérunt et me et Patrem. [ ] ¶ Oderunt,. et [ ]. Judaei dicunt se dilígere Deum et tamen nesciéntes odérunt, quia qui volunt esse mali nolunt esse veritátem qua damnántur. Et sicut odérunt suam poenam, odérunt veritátem quae írrogat poenam, nesciéntes eum esse veritátem. Et si odérunt veritátem, odérunt eum de quo nata est véritas, et ita Patrem nesciéntes de eo natam veritátem odérunt. ¶ Cum autem. Nunc vidéntes ópera odérunt gratis et me et Patrem. Sed cum vénerit Paraclétus, manifestióre testimónio convíncet eos qui vidérunt et odérunt, sed et quosdam eórum compúnctos de tanto scélere convértet. ¶ Spíritus procédit a Patre et Fílio, sed Fílius dícitur a Patre procédere, quia ad Patrem solet reférre, et quod ipsíus est de quo ipse est. A quo ergo habet ut sit, ab illo habet ut de illo procédat Spíritus. ¶ Grátis odit, qui nullum ex ódio cómmodum quaerit vel incómmodum fugit. Sic ímpii odérunt Christum. Sic justi díligunt gratis, non propter áliud sed propter ipsum. ¶ Postquam exémplo suo dócuit ferre ódia in quo sciunt quid débeant fácere, sed non possunt postquam étiam promísit Spíritum quo póterunt resístere, étiam addit: Haec locútus sum,. etc. Quod est exémplum de Spíritu qui confirmábit, ut, ita charitáte diffúsa in córdibus vestris, sit vobis...
[Text from the Glossa Ordinaria down the right margin:] ¶ Si non. Hic expréssius Judaeos osténdit, ad quos venit, de quibus sub nómine mundi superióra díxerat. Et quia ad eos venit, hic inexcusábiles de ómnibus malis osténdit. ¶ Que n. a. Ut quod pavit tot míllia de paucis, quod super aquas ivit, etc. [This is Augustine; many lines unidentified here.] ¶ Die Pentecóstes venit Spíritus sanctus in centum vigínti hómines congregátos, cum quibus erant omnes apóstoli. ¶ Sed venit hora. quási dicat: Si pulsi ab eis tot acquirétis mihi (únde vobis gaudéndum) ut non...
[The gloss in the bottom margin is not yet identified.]

[John 15:22-16:2]
22 If I had not come, and spoken to them, they would not have sin; but now they have no excuse for their sin. 23 He that hateth me, hateth my Father also. 24 If I had not done among them the works that no other man hath done, they would not have sin; but now they have both seen and hated both me and my Father. 25 But that the word may be fulfilled which is written in their law: They hated me without cause. 26 But when the Paraclete cometh, whom I will send you from the Father, the Spirit of truth, who proceedeth from the Father, he shall give testimony of me. 27 And you shall give testimony, because you are with me from the beginning.
1 These things have I spoken to you, that you may not be scandalized. 2 They will put you out of the synagogues: yea, the hour cometh, that whosoever...